Chapter 28

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It's been two weeks since I last talked to Emma. I've been going insane with nothing to do. Oliver has been occupied trying to figure out what wolf was outside our borders the night of my accident and why. But unfortunately he has come up empty handed. The snow had covered any tracks and any lead that was potentially there was swept away. He's also spent a concerning amount of time at the pack lands helping his father with their territory issues, that I have still not been included in.

I've lost count of the number of unanswered texts and phone calls to Emma. I've only caught a glimpse of her a couple of times at school. Otherwise she's completely ghosted me; but I've had enough. It's Saturday morning and I'm finally pulling myself together and getting up out of bed; a bed might I add that has been long since vacated by Oliver. The spot he slept in lost its warmth a few hours ago.

After a quick shower I get dressed and ready to head out on my mission. I'm going to Emma's and I'm not leaving until we've been able to hash this thing out. I can't remember the last time we've gone this long without speaking and it's really starting to hurt.

Since the snow has now stuck around, and well let's be honest, since I wrecked the shit out of Oliver's car, I grab the keys to his jeep and drive into town. I'm nervous on the drive and spend the whole time trying to decide what I am actually going to say to Emma. Before I know it, I'm pulling up at her parent's familiar two story house. A house that I have spent so much time at, it has become a second home to me. My sanctuary from when I need to run away from Levi.

I make my way up to the front door and hesitate before I knock. I can't remember the last time I've actually had to knock at this door, usually I just open it and make myself at home. But this time it just doesn't feel right, so instead I bring my hand up to the wood and bang three loud times. At first there's nothing. I look around and see that her car is in the driveway, so I bang on the door again. After a few seconds, this time I hear a shuffle behind the door. Slowly the door opens, and Emma's head peaks through.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asks with a grimace on her face.

"Please Emma, I know I messed up. But I'm here to apologize to you. I'm sorry and I miss my best friend." I plea to her.

She looks at me, then nods and turns her head. "Fine" she grumbles as she walks away but she has left the door open, a silent invitation for me to enter. I walk in to the living room and see her curled up in a ball on the couch with blankets all over. I take a closer look at her, and she doesn't look well. Her skin is a sickly pale colour, and she has zero makeup on which is unusual for her. I sit down across from her and I can see how puffy her eyes are.

"Emma?" I hesitantly ask. She slowly looks up at me. "Are you ok?"

She looks back down and sluggishly starts to shake her head. She bites on her bottom lip and I can see that it's starting to tremble. I race over beside her and grab her in my arms as her sobs slowly break free.

"No, Addie" sniff, "I-I" sniff, "'m not ok" she lets out between her sobs. I don't know what's wrong, and I'm praying it's not because of Levi, so I hold on tight to my friend and let her cry in my arms.

It takes what feels like ten minutes, before she finally calms down. I'm running my fingers through her hair trying to reassure her that everything will be ok. "Do-do you want to talk about it?" I carefully ask her.

She sits up, wipes her cheeks dry of her tears, and with a frown upon her face she says "I'm pregnant." 

Those were not the words I was expecting her to say. I'm taken aback for a moment - stunned. It takes me a minute to comprehend those words, and when they sink-in, I'm hesitant to say my next words.

"Is-is it Levi's?" She looks me straight in the eyes and shakes her head again, "No we-we haven't had sex yet" she whispers with a small blush coating her cheeks. I pause for a second, confused at first; but then I realize there's only been one guy that she's been with... "Sebastian?" I whisper and she nods her head and starts to cry in my arms once again.

"What am I going to do Addie? What am I going to tell Levi?" Emma cries out. Her words shock me to the core. What is Emma going to do? And how is Levi going to react? I need to protect my best-friend from him.

"Emma, I need you to answer something for me. And I need you to be completely honest with me. It's only me here and you know I have only every wanted is best for you..." I softly state.

She looks back at me, and cautiously agrees. "Emma, do you want to keep the baby?" She lets out a long sigh, before she answers "yes, I do."

"Ok, then I have one more question for you – do you still have feelings for Sebastian?" She looks at me a little surprised at first, and then her forward pinches in concentration, thinking about what I just asked her. She swallows loudly, and then says "I-I think so." But before I can say anything she continues, "I don't know, I'm just so confused. I mean, if I ignore the mate bond and really focus on Sebastian, than ya I still feel for him. I remember how it felt to be with him and those feelings were real, you know? There was no mate bond forcing us together, it was just us. But I'm so torn, because I know I also love Levi, and I can't stop the connection between us."

I take a deep breath before I continue with what I am about to tell her. "Emma, there's something I need to tell you. I know it's going to be hard for you to hear, and you probably won't believe me, but I need you to know that everything I am about to tell you is the God-honest truth. I would never lie to you."

This makes her sit up straighter, and she looks me straight in the eyes, looking for any doubt. She must not find any because she says "Ok."

I blow out the breath I was holding and start "Levi has been abusing me for years." It takes a long time, but I tell her everything. I tell her about when it started, and how I was so terrified, that I was never able to confide in anyone – until Oliver. And then I tell her about the changes in the form of abuse after I met Oliver. She sits there silent the entire time, listening to everything I have to say, and when I'm finally done, she reaches out to wipe away the silent tears I didn't know were falling down my face. She wraps me in tight embrace, and I hug her back just as tightly.

"I'm so sorry Addie. I can't believe he would do such a thing. And this whole time you've been suffering all by yourself! I wish you would have told me, I could have been there for you. I would have kicked his ass for you!" she fusses.

This makes me laugh a little, as I say "you know you're shit at fighting Em – there's no way you would have been able to."

"Hey, shut-up! You know that's beside the point." And fuck have I missed this, missed her – my best friend.

She grabs my face again between both her small hands, and stares at me for a minute. "You know I love you more than anything in this world. You're not only my best-friend, but you're my sister. And... and I'm going to reject Levi. There's no fucking chance in this world or the next that I want to spend the rest of my life with someone that can do something like that to you!" she exclaims. "And there's certainly no fucking way that I would ever want a man like that around any of my children. I'm sorry Ad, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you before, but I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere." We crush each other in a hug and stay there comforting each other, for who knows how long. 

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