Chapter 7

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It's almost three in the afternoon, and I've been in my office trying to work for the past several hours. And I've accomplished nothing. Every time I try to focus, my mind wanders back to Adelaide. The way her body looks, our kiss from last night, how much I want to fuck her. A knock on my door, brings me out of my daze.

"Come in" I growl to whomever knocked and brought me back to reality.

Bash walks in with a shit-eating grin on his face "So, did you mate with Adelaide last night?" he brazenly asks.

His brashness surprises me and I turn and growl at him "it's none of your fucking business, man."

He chuckles, "I'll take that as a no then!" Anger rising inside of me for the way he talks about my mate. "Fuck her friend though man, she is something else," he says shaking his head to himself.

His response distracts me from my anger, "O ya?" I ask waiting for more details, my interest peaked.

"Ugh" he groans, "we were making out and then she just moved down and started blowing me. It was mind blowing, dude, by far the best blow job I've ever had."

Irritation starts to set in, "So that's what you came and interrupted me for, was to fucking gloat that you got blown by a chick last night?" I bellow at him, my anger making its way to the surface.

Bash takes a step back, and lowers his head "Sorry Alpha, no it's not. I actually have information about Adelaide's brother." He keeps his head bowed out of respect, knowing he's pissed me off.

My anger starts to subside, "start talking." I command him.

"His name is Levi Armstrong. He and his mother moved to campus about five years ago. Emma says that Adelaide doesn't really talk about him much, so she wasn't sure what happened to his father. He joined Alpha Jake's pack and two years ago he challenged for the beta position. He beat the shit out of the former beta, and he probably would have killed him if the Alpha didn't step in." He rushes the words out and takes a pause to breath before he continues. "He doesn't live in the pack house. He still lives at his family house with Adelaide."

I take in the information he's just told me, and nod my head at him "thanks Bash, you're excused now."

He bows his head and quickly leaves my office.

I sit back in my chair and let out a frustrated sigh as I run my hand through my hair. This has been an unproductive day. I take out my phone and quickly text Adelaide since I can't get her off my mind anyways.

Hey babe, you got any plans for tomorrow?

I wait for what feels like forever but was probably only 30 seconds.


Her simple response frustrates me, so I text her back. I want to take you out on another date, only this time just the two of us. I'll pick you up at noon and make sure to wear good shoes, we'll have a bit of hiking to do.


It's 11:55am and I'm pacing back-and-forth in our front room. I am so freaking nervous. Excitement washes over me as I see his black sports car pull up. The windows are all tinted black, so I can't actually tell if it's him or not. But I rush out the front door anyways.

As I start walking towards the car, he gets out, walks around the front of the car and opens the passenger door for me. What a gentleman, I think to myself. As I finally reach him, I look up to his face and smile. His face is gorgeous. Like the drop-dead gorgeous, stop my heart from beating kind. I look directly into his eyes, and there's a glint of something I can't quite describe. "Hey beautiful" he says to me as I realize I've been staring at him for far too long. My cheeks instantly burn up, so I dip inside the car, praying he didn't notice. Ugh, the things he does to me.

He gets back into the car, and I've managed to compose myself slightly. I turn to him and ask "Do I get to find out where you're taking me?"

"Nope, you'll just have to wait and see." He teases me.

My mouth drops open slightly, and I huff out a little pout. Just enough so he knows my annoyance. His lips turn up into a smirk, but he doesn't take his eyes off the road. I continue to stare at him, and my eyes do a couple passes on his body. He's wearing dark jeans that hug his legs nicely, and a light autumn, black jacket that I can see the bulge of his biceps through.

His voice makes me jump as he chuckles "you're staring at me Adelaide... not that I mind, but it's very distracting while I drive." I squirm in the seat in embarrassment. He laughs again and this time he turns quickly to me "Don't worry, I'll be doing plenty of staring myself." Butterflies explode in my stomach and I melt.

It takes us about thirty minutes to get back to his pack house. But instead of pulling up to the house, he drives over to the edge of the surrounding forest. We get out of the car and he pops the trunk. He pulls out a backpack and whips it onto his back. I eye him curiously and he winks back at me. He makes his way over to me and grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers. The touch of his skin on mine makes me gasp as the tingling sensation shoots through my body. He looks down at me with a huge smile on his face, I know he must have felt it too. "Come on babe, we've got a short hike to do." He drags me off towards the forest and I gladly follow him not wanting our hands to let go.

The hike was nice, with the warm autumn air blowing all around us, it was refreshing to be out with him like this. Fall has always been my favourite season. It doesn't take us long and we step out into a meadow. It's beautiful, and my breath catches in my throat. There's a small pond and all the trees arounds us are different colours. There are reds, oranges, yellows and golds. The sun is shining brightly and the reflection on the water is beautiful. "Wow" I gasp.

I turn and look at Oliver and as he promised, he's just staring at me. The corner of his mouth turns up and he breaths out "Fuck, you're adorable." He takes off the backpack and starts to open it up. He pulls out a blanket and spreads it out on the grass. Then he proceeds to bring out several small containers.

I laugh, mostly to myself "a picnic, really? Isn't that a little cliché?"

"Only if you want it to be" he says back raising an eyebrow to me. He sits down on the blanket and pats the spot beside him. I move to sit down beside him, and when I'm almost on the ground he grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap. "Changed my mind" he whispers in my ear and a shiver runs up my spine.

He starts opening the containers with one hand as his other stays firmly wrapped around my waist. He's got fruit, cheeses, and crackers. He's even got those mini sausage sticks. He pulls out a strawberry and gently puts it to my lips. I take a small bite and then he pops the rest in his own mouth. I stare at him in surprise and watch as his lips turn up at the sides again.

"I'm really sorry about upsetting you the other night. That wasn't fair of me to just expect you'd be ok with my past ... endeavors." Those lips I've been staring at turn into a frown and I look up into his eyes. There's a sadness there that I didn't expect to see.

"Urm, it's okay." I breathe out and turn my head down to my hands.

He gently grabs my chin and tilts it back up so my eyes are level with his. "No, it's not Adelaide. Being young and horny, is not an excuse for sleeping around. And I should never have used my position to take advantage. I am truly sorry, I never want to hurt you again. Please, can you ever forgive me?"

His thumb on the hand that is still holding my waist, finds it way under my sweater and he slowly makes circles on my bare skin. The sensation that runs through me is exhilarating and my breath catches in my throat. He slowly moves his face towards mine, his lips only inches from mine "Please?" he begs. I can't breathe, the only thing I can do is slowly nod. He smiles and his lips are on mine.

Shit, his lips feel amazing. My body feels like it is going to explode under his touch. His kisses start off slow and gentle, and then he starts to kiss me deeper. I kiss him back with such hunger. It feels like if I stop I might die. He takes the back of my head, still kissing me, and gently lays me down on the blanket. He moves on top of me with his legs straddling my hips. His tongue invades my mouth and I let out a moan. My body starts to get hot, fuck I want him just to take me here and now. We continue to kiss and my body literally feels like it's about to burst into flames. 

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