Chapter 30

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We decided that it would be safest for Emma to reject Levi at the Red Dawn Pack house. So after a phone call and some persuasion, she finally convinced him to come here. The four of us are outside waiting, when Levi shows up. He steps out of his car and makes his way towards us, but stops a good ten feet away. He looks at Emma first, and then glares towards me and the two men behind us. He turns back to Emma and says "Ok, I'm here. Now, what was so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone... and that I had to come here of all places" he mutters the last part.

"Adelaide told me what you've done Levi" Emma says strongly.

"Oh? And what exactly have I done?" He cocks his eyebrow at her.

"The abuse Levi!" she yells. "You've been physically abusing her for years and she's my fucking best friend!"

"She's a fucking whore" he roars out. "I watched over her for years; having guys constantly want to get in her pants, and I fended them off. The little fucking tease that she is! And then, she meets this guy" he nods his head to Oliver who has now moved right behind me "and she gives it up in no time!"

"You better watch your fucking mouth, before I rip your tongue out!" Oliver bellows at him. I can feel the heat rising in him and I know his wolf wants to take over. But before I can say anything, Emma cuts me off.

"I Emma Jacobs, reject you Levi Armstrong as my mate." It's like the breath is literally ripped out of Levi's body as he bends over clutching his chest. He stays there for a minute until he is able to regain his composure and he stands up staring directly at me. His eyes are as dark as night and a chill runs through my body.

"This is your fucking fault Adelaide. If I were you, you should watch your fucking back" he spits out.

At this, Ollie has had enough and he steps in front of me and growls "you better get the fuck off my land now; and if you ever threaten my mate again, I'll make sure you wish you were dead."

Levi chuckles menacingly "whatever you say, Alpha" his voice dripping with anger. We all watch as he gets back into his car and drives out of our territory.

Once I can no longer see him, I rush over to Emma and wrap my arms around her tightly. She's crying lightly, and I know the rejection of the mate bond is hurting her too. "I'm so sorry Emma, this is all my fault."

She reaches up and grabs me by the shoulders, "No Addie. None of this is your fault. Levi is a fucking psycho, and there is no way I could stay with him; mate or not."

Sebastian comes up and puts a hand on her shoulder and she immediately turns into him. "Come on, let's get you inside. I'm sure this was hard on you and you can have a rest in my room."

"Thanks, Bash" she says giving him a small smile. Then turning back to me she gives me one more hug, before turning and walking hand-in-hand with Bash inside the house.


It's been a few weeks since Emma rejected Levi, and astonishingly it's been quite peaceful. Emma basically moved in to the pack house with Bash, and the two of them couldn't be more adorable. Bash has become so protective over Emma and their baby, that he does everything for her (i.e. he's whipped). Everything has been calm at the pack territory, so Ollie has been home the entire time and the four of us have become inseparable.

Midterms start next week, so I've decided I need to crack down on my studying. I'm making my way to the library, since there are too many distractions at the pack house to properly get anything done (let's be honest, it's really just the sexy man I get to call my mate). I'm crossing the far side of the courtyard, when there is a rustling sound coming from the woods. I stop and take a look around but I don't see anything. I figure it's nothing and continue on my way. I get another five feet, when I hear the unmistakable sound of bones cracking and changing behind me. I shoot back around and see Levi and two other guys walking out of the woods.

"Levi? What the fuck – you scared me" I holler at him.

"Oh little sister, just wait till you see what I have planned for you," he says with a menacing smirk on his face. My heart starts to race, as fear starts to course through my veins.

"What th-" I start to question before I'm cut off by the other guys grabbing onto my arms and one of them wrapping a towel over my mouth and nose. I inhale deeply trying to breath and instead of air, I suck in the fumes from the cloth across my face; the last thing I think is Ollie before everything goes black.


I wake up disoriented in the middle of a forest. I don't know where I am, how long I've been here for, or how I even got here for that matter. A sound behind me catches my attention and I look to see Levi in hushed conversations with the same two guys from before. So maybe they just pulled me further into the woods just off campus? My movement catches Levi's attention and he ends their conversation and makes his way over to me. I'm sitting on the ground, propped up against a tree with my hands tied in front of me, and I have to crane my neck up to look at him.

"Glad to see you're awake, sister" Levi snarls with a grimace on his face.

"What do you want Levi?" I try to force out, but there is a slight shake to my voice. I've been afraid of Levi before, but the look in his eyes is terrifying.

"What do I want?" he chuckles. "What do I fucking want, Adelaide?" he shouts out which makes me try to shrink back from him. He turns around and starts to pace in front of me. "You want to know what I fucking want? It's you!" he barks. "It's always been fucking you. For the past five years, I've had to watch dirt bags try and get into your pants, all because you never wanted to listen to me. I was trying to protect you! And then you let that asshole you call a mate, take you when you should be mine" he roars.

My mind is reeling with what Levi has just said. It doesn't make any sense to me. Shaking my head, I ramble out "Yours? How can I be yours? When you had your own mate you were destined to, Emma?"

"Fuck, don't you understand! I love you, Adelaide. Even if Emma is my mate, I still want you!" he stops his pacing and crouches down in front of me and tries to caress my face with his hand, but I shake my head so he can't. The glimpse of tenderness, which had flashed across his eyes, disappeared and was quickly replaced with spite. "Fine, if you won't have me then I won't let anyone have you" he spits out as he pulls out a knife from behind his back and slowly points it at me.

I try to kick at the dirt in front of me, trying to get myself up, but with my hands tied it's useless. The look of fear on my face only encourages Levi. He grabs my bound hands and rips me up off the ground; but before I have any chance to run he smashes my back into the tree I was previously sitting against and pins me there with his body. A small yelp escapes my mouth from the pain of being crashed into the tree. Levi moves his face in towards me, and I feel his lips graze my neck. I try to get out of his grip, but he's too strong.

In the next moment two things happen. The first is that I feel a shooting pain in my abdomen and the second is I hear the ringing of a voice "Stop" the person yells. That voice, I know that voice. That's a voice that I could never get tired of hearing, but unfortunately it's too late, and the pain in my chest has me crumpling to the ground, as Levi let's go of me and turns around at the intruder. Before anything else can happen, my vision goes black again. 

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