Chapter 12

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I did not want to have to deal with Levi today, so I texted Emma early and she came and picked me up.

I've managed to avoid Oliver for most of the day. I needed to ensure that my bones were fully healed, and the femur break really hurt like a bitch. I didn't want him seeing me flinch while I walked.

It's just about the end of the day and I'm literally counting down the minutes until this lecture is over. Finally, after what feels like forever, I'm free. I make my way out of the class and his scent instantly hits me. I look up to him and see him smiling at me from across the hall. I slowly walk over to him and he grabs me into a tight hug. I burry my face into his chest so he can't see the wince I make from my bruised ribs.

"I've missed you all day and wanted to make sure you were really okay." He let's go of me and I take a step back.

I gaze up at him and a smile stretches across my face. I can't help but just be amazed looking at his face. "I'm fine, I really am." I lie to him, again.


Adelaide really scared the shit out of me last night when she mind-linked me for the first time. I know she tried to tell me it was just because she was frustrated, but I don't believe her. The voice that jammed into my head did not feel like frustration. But I didn't want to push too hard because I could tell she was putting up defenses, I'm just not sure why.

I've texted her a few times today and she always replies with short answers that she's fine, she's busy, she needs to focus on her classes. So, I get the hint and stop texting her. However, there's something gnawing at the back of my gut, and I finally decide I need to see her. She told me her schedule before, so I know where her last class of the day is and make my way there. I'm standing across the hall when the doors open, and people start flooding out of the room. It doesn't take long before I see her, and I know she knows I'm here as she looks up at me. My lips turn up into a smile and she starts to walk over to me. I grab her and hug her, and I must have squeezed too tight because I can feel her flinch in my arms.

"I've missed you all day and wanted to make sure you were really okay" I breathe out, consumed by her scent and touch in my arms. Reluctantly I let her out of my grip.

She takes a step back and smiles up at me. Damn, that smile is adorable. "I'm fine, I really am" she replies as her smile just barely fractures, but she quickly recovers. She is lying to me, I know it, but I don't understand why.

Not wanting to let her out of my sight, I quickly say "why don't you come back to my place and we can order in pizza and watch some movies tonight?"

"That sounds good" she says, "but I have to text Emma and let her know I don't need a ride home."

"How come you didn't drive yourself?" I ask curiously.

She lets out a slow huff, "Levi came home last night, and he needed the car for something."

A frown turns up on my face as I ask "why didn't you ask me to pick you up then?"

She hesitates a minute staring at me before replying, "I-I didn't want to inconvenience you." A flush runs across her checks as she tilts her head away from me.

I gently grab her neck with both of my hands and tilt her chin back up with my thumbs, "Oh babe, you could never inconvenience me" I say as I lean down to kiss her forehead.

She turns her check into mine and then meets my gaze again "let's get going to your place. Maybe we can work out some of my frustrations from last night?" she says mischievously.

Fuck, the things she does to me and she doesn't even know it.  


We order pepperoni pizza for supper and I devour four slices. I don't know if it's this heat or what but my appetite has definitely increased the past couple of weeks. Once we finish eating, I go to clean up and Ollie grabs my hand, "you don't have to do that, you're a guest in my house" he says.

"Ya, and I'm not useless either, I can help clean up" I say back to him.

"Seriously Addie, you don't need to. Go sit back down" he says. I huff at him but listen.

I watch him as he moves around cleaning up. He's got tight jeans on that cup his ass so perfectly. He's wearing a black t-shirt and his arms are bulging out of them. Mmm, I can feel myself getting wet just staring at him.

"I can feel you staring at me again" he says not even turning around to face me "you really need to stop doing that!"

I can feel my face turning beet red knowing I was caught, so I quickly try to change the subject "so where are we going to watch movies?" I ask.

"Well, we can either watch in the living room, where there's a possibility of people interrupting us, or we can watch in my room" he says as he turns back around to face me with a smirk across his face.

"Your bedroom, definitely your bed... room" I say with a big smile on my face.

"Oh, Addie" he laughs and shakes his head. "Well, my bed it shall be then."


It takes us about ten minutes of flipping through Netflix before we finally decide on a movie.

I cuddle into him and rest my head on his chest. His arm wraps around me and pulls me closer into his body. I get warm fuzzy feelings as I think about how perfectly we fit together. He's so easy to get along with, and I can't imagine having anyone else as my mate.

"What are you thinking about?" his voice snaps me back to reality.

"Hmm?" I ask as my brain can't actually think of what he just asked me.

His fingers gently tilt my head up to him, so I can see his eyes "I asked you what you were thinking about?" he says again.

"Oh" my face gets flushed "umm, well, us actually" I say.

"Ya, what about us?" he asks as a smile crosses his face.

I don't know what it is about him, but I just feel like I can tell him anything... well almost anything. "I was just thinking about how happy I am that you're my mate."

His arms grab my hips and he pushes me up so I am on top of him, my legs straddling on either of his sides. I don't even think about my cracked ribs as he moves me because my body heals so much quicker when I am around him and there's no pain left, only my longing for him to touch me.

He looks at me with a huge grin on his face now and says "that's the first time you've called me your mate." My cheeks heat up as he grabs my face and pulls it down to him. His lips touch mine and those sparks shoot through my body. His tongue pokes at my lips and I part them so he can enter my mouth.

His hands move from my face down to my hips and slip under my shirt. His skin touching my abdomen makes me moan out and he continues to move down to my jeans. He unbuttons them and slowly starts to shimmy them down my hips. I lift up my hips and help to pull them off my legs.

I sit back on my knees so I'm directly on his crotch. I can feel his hardness growing between my legs and I slowly start to grind my hips on top of him. I look up at him, and he's staring at me with the most devilish grin on his face and he lets a slow growl escape his lips. I reach down and grab the hem of my shirt and pull it up over my face as I continue to grind on him, wanting him so bad.

Before I can even open my eyes, he grabs my hips and stops me. Surprised, I look at him and his brows are furrowed together, and he looks livid. I follow his eyes down to my ribs and notice the bruises covering my body. Shit!

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