Chapter 26

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I slowly start to open my eyes and I suddenly feel like I've been hit in the head with a ten pound hammer. "Argh" I let the word slip out of my mouth, as I shut my eyes tight again. I feel warm arms grab me tightly and sparks flow through my body letting me know that it's Ollie.

"Addie, are you ok?" he asks concern lacing his words.

"Ya, it's just my head hurts badly. Can you get me some Advil please?" I ask him quietly not trying to open my eyes again.

He shifts his body out from under me, and then slowly sits me up into a sitting position and leans me against some pillows he's managed to stack up behind my back. I slowly try to open my eyes as I feel the shift of him getting out of the bed. By the time I get my eyes open, I see Ollie coming back from the bathroom with a glass of water and some pills in his hand. He stretches his arm out and hands me the pills. I slowly take them and pop them in my mouth. I then take the water from his outstretched hand and swallow the pills down. I watch as Oliver sits back down on the bed, worry etched on his face.

That's when I realize that I don't remember coming home last night. I look around, and then down at myself and I see I'm wearing one of his shirts. I don't remember putting that on either. I look up to Ollie and frown, "how did I get home?" I ask him.

His face turns into a frown as well before he starts to talk "you got into an accident on your way home last night" he tells me, and I feel shock go through my body.

"What?" I ask him as my brain is not comprehending what he said. I flinch a little as my head spasms in pain again, clearly the drugs have not started to kick in yet. He notices me flinch and his arms shoot up to grasp my cheek.

"Hey, you're ok, it's ok, just calm down babe" he says to me in a soothing voice, and my body starts to relax.

"Do you remember anything about the accident?" he asks hesitantly.

I try to think for a second, but nothing comes to mind, "no" I softly reply.

"Ok. Well you got a concussion so it's not surprising you can't remember. Anyways, Bash and I found you just outside the pack territory and we're guessing that you lost control of the car because you ended up in the ditch and there was no other damage around" he says.

My mouth drops open as I stare at him trying to process the information he is telling me. Slowly images start coming back to my mind. I remember driving his car in the snow, but I wasn't going very fast. I was trying to drive carefully. That's when I remember the wolf that ran across the highway. "There was a wolf!" I quickly shout out.

Oliver furrows his brows and asks "what do you mean there was a wolf?" his voice turning into a low growl.

"I mean, there was a wolf that ran across the highway in front of me. That's why I tried to swerve out of the way and then" my breath catches as I remember the feeling of falling and my brain recalls the first few seconds of impact, of the car starting to roll, before I passed out. "Shit Ollie, I rolled your car!" I wrecked your fucking car! I'm so sorry." I say as tears start to swell in my eyes.

"Shh, babe it's ok. I don't care about the car. You are all I care about" he says to me softly as he pulls me to his chest. I sit there pressed against his warm chest and the tears quickly fall from my eyes. I don't sob, but instead take a few deep breaths and start to calm myself back down.

I finally look up to his face, and pout "I'm really sorry about wrecking your car" I tell him and surprising me, he leans his face down and kisses me on the lips. It's short and sweet but I can feel all of his concern flow out of him as we both loosen from the sparks flowing through our bodies. He pulls away from my lips and then lightly kisses my forward. His touch is so light that I barely feel it, other than the sparks of course.

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