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"And here we are, a human school."Benjamin says, looking around the yard, it's nearly empty because we're only paying a short visit as new students.

"Yup, who would've thought." Irritation drains my voice as I frown at the grey building.

"It looks the same though, maybe it's not that bad."he says trying to cheer me up. We both aren't happy to be here. Of Course I'll never be able to forgive my brother but even if I did, I'll never be able to forgive my father for putting me here. I've grown accustomed to people showing their respect when they see me, I was the future Alpha after all. Here no one knows me and they will treat me as if I'm just another brat. Why did I train my hardest all these years just to be put on the same level as a human. I'm sure Benjamin feels the same way, as my future gamma people didn't dare to mess with him back home.

People don't mind looking us in the eyes at all as we're walking around the building to the headmaster's office. Those teachers probably even think we're the ones who are supposed to look down. They're so oblivious, maybe we can have a good laugh about it later.

Anyway, the teacher told us we were expected to gather in the theatre tomorrow or something. After that Benjamin stayed inside the school to discuss some stuff my father had ordered him to do, and I'm stuck here waiting outside.

It's already late in the evening, I have no idea why the fuck we had to come here at this hour, do humans not have a life or something? At least I can use this moment alone to let my wolf, Blair, let off some steam. It doesn't look like I'll be getting to transform any time soon anyways.

"That son of  a bitch is now getting all the respect we earned and trained hard for, what did that loser do all his life to prepare for this job? He did absolutely fucking nothing, while we were working our asses off he was out there in a park with his stupid boyfriend!" Blair yells in my head as he takes almost full control over my body and makes me kick the poor metal trash can standing near the main entrance. Luckily the basket was empty because it will only be able to hold ten percent of its capacity when I leave. The iron of the basket already has a big dent in it after one kick.

"So, you are very angry. I'm actually impressed. "An unfamiliar voice behind me says. I already knew he was there because of my strong senses but I just didn't care if anyone would see me like this. Hell, I would be happy if they knew what I could do. Maybe they would show some damn respect. The guy didn't seem very shocked to see me here though. "Remind me please, who are you and why are you here? "I said, my voice still low from Blair's outburst. "I'm Manuel and I have a good reason to be here, this is my school. And can you please don't talk to me like that, I know people tend to look down on gingers, but I don't want to be treated like that trashcan you abused just now."

I sighed, I should try to make some friends. An alpha with no friends would be very pathetic. "I'm Damian, new here. "I held out my hand for him to shake. It takes a while but he accepts it. "Manuel. So, can I ask why you're so mad? Or do you sometimes just have the urge to destroy random "school property", I would totally understand that, don't worry.", the tall, muscular looking ginger said as he leaned against the fence, his hands disappearing into his pockets.

"I was just mad because of... someone.", I said. This guy seemed pretty alright, for a human ofcourse. "Bro, if someone makes you this mad you should be taking your anger out on them, not on some random empty trash can, he said. I noticed how he advised me to beat someone up but didn't say anything about it. "Well I can't."I responded. "Why not.", he said, "It would be much more satisfying."

"Well he is family so no, I can't do that. Surely if everyone is taking his side.", I said, my unusually deep voice getting a little louder with that last sentence. The guy raised one eyebrow but said: "If everyone takes his side, doesn't that mean you're in the wrong?"

"He stole this from me. How is that my fault?"I was close to yelling now. "So one of your family members stole something from you and people are blaming you?", he asked sceptically. "You're the one who blamed me just now but yeah, kind of." "I think I'm going to need a little more information.", he responded. I sighed. "Okay, so my family is uhh... the owner of a very big company. My parents have always prepared me for the highest position and this summer something happened and my father decided to let my brother have this position in my stead. But of course I don't want that, this position has been my dream and life goal since I was able to understand what it meant."I explained to him.

"What about your mom? Does she agree?"he asked. I noticed how he didn't ask for further details on my 'family company'. "She's dead."I said shortly. A silence fell and Maluel cleared his throat: "Actually my mom isn't my mom.", he said looking at his hands now. "Now I'm the one who needs a little more information." He chuckled a bit,"You're right. So my mom also died, I was seven and she was in Europe on her way home when terrorists bombed the airport. My dad remarried a few years later but my stepmom was infertile and they adopted my sister. She doesn't know she is adopted, I don't know any details but her memory is gone because her childhood was very traumatising. My parents told me to never let anyone know my sister is adopted, that also means I can't tell anyone about my mom, because if Elle found out we aren't from the same mom that would mean my mother was alive when she was born and she would grow suspicious. And what if she realised we weren't her real family? Maybe she would start to remember her old one and her trauma would come back. "he rambled.

Hearing his story calmed my anger, I felt really bad for letting out my anger and being mad at my brother while this guy had sucked up his trauma all these years to protect his little sister. "Why did I have to go and overshare my deepest secret to you, I was nailing that badboy thing." he sighed to himself, making me laugh. We were both sitting on the floor now, the fence behind our backs.

"That's... that is worse than everything I've ever been mad about combined, and believe me, I have some anger issues."I said. "Oh, I believe you. Don't worry about that. But please don't tell anyone about all of this though, like never ever." "Don't worry about it, I understand how deep that shit is." That's when Benjamin appeared again. "Yo, Damian. Why did I just find out your dad didn't even inform that bitch about us? I thought she would at least be a-", he stopped when he noticed Manuel sitting next to me. "Who are you?"he asked a little sharply. "Oh, I'm Manuel.", he introduced himself while standing up. "Oh, uh, I'm Benjamin Gonzales, Damian's B- friend. Nice to meet you and all but Manuel and I should head home now.""Alright, see you guys tomorrow I guess."

We said our goodbyes and the two of us returned home to our empty house, the movers dropped everything off and left so it was up to us to put all the furniture in the right place and get everything out of the boxes. So naturally only the ps5 was unboxed standing on the floor in front of the couch.

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