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I was talking to Angel, he's Mia's brother and their parents are getting a divorce so I try to make sure he is okay every time I see him. Mia has always been the nicest person ever to me so I try to do it back but I just don't know if I'm good enough at being nice.
I hope he didn't find it weird that I check up on him sometimes as I'm his little sister's friend.

I just asked if he was free tomorrow so maybe Manuel, Mia, Angel and me could all watch a movie or something but when he opens his mouth to respond someone behind me says:
"Yo Angel, I was looking for you."

The voice sounded deep but also warm, I turned around to see who it was and froze for a moment.

"Oh, uh, yo Damian. What d'you need me for?"

The handsome guy was standing next to me now, our shoulders almost touched.
"Nothing in particular. I just thought maybe you'd wanna sit with us during lunch?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks."

"May I ask who this is?"the guy said looking at me, just his gaze was enough to make me blush.
All I could do was hope my loose hair would cover the redness of my cheeks.

"This is Elle, she's my sister's best friend. Elle, this is Damian, he's Manuel's friend. "

Damian... such a pretty name.
I sighed mentally and said: "Hi, Damian."

I tried to smile nicely and considered if we should shake hands, probably not though so I kept my hands in the pockets of my brown pants.

I was wearing Elijah's bracelet today. The outfit I found for it was a simple combination of brown pants and a basic white shirt. My hair was up in a high ponytail and I was wearing golden earrings.
They both had the shape of a little sun.

"Aren't you Manuel's little sister?", he asked.

"Yep. "
Hopefully he didn't hear the stress in my voice.
Something about him just made my stomach feel weird, if this is what crushes normally are then I'm happy I've never really had a serious one.

Damian put his hand on my shoulder in a friendly gesture and I felt his touch tingling. The feeling spread itself over the rest of my body and the knot in my stomach grew even more. I noticed a fresh pine tree smell coming from him, did he wear perfume?
He looked at me with his dark eyes and for a second I thought he was going to get even closer but he returned his gaze to Angel.
"Let's go then?"

"Yeah, sure. And I'm free, Elle. You can pick the movie."

For a second I thought I felt Damian's grip tighten a little but before I knew it he let go. "See you around, Elle." He grinned at me before turning around but something in his eyes made him look a little... mad?

My shoulder felt cold and empty without his hand as I watched both of them walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

I exited the building to cool down before I went to my friends. I thought about Damian, it felt like I would forever remember his name forever, it was stuck inside my brain and I had a feeling that even if I forgot how to speak or hear I would remember this.

"Damian, Damian, Damian.", those were the only words in my brain for a while until a sweet voice abruptly pulled me back to reality.

"Hey, Elle. What are you doing?" Rose's voice sounded over the empty court.

"Aah, fuck! Did you really have to do that?"

"What else should I have done?"

"I don't know?"

"So what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Calming down."

"For what?"

"Damian.", I said.

"Wait... Damian? Oh my god, you mean that guy that was staring at you the entire time?"

"Yes, that Damian. He touched my shoulder and now I need to recover mentally.", I sighed.

I stared at the tree behind Rose.
"He totally likes you. You should ask for his number.", she said.

"What, no! You know how awkward I am with these things."

"True, it's the guy's job to take initiative anyway."

After a while of just sitting there, talking, the bell rang and we went back to class, a boring day awaiting us.

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