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Ezra, Benjamin, Manuel, Zach, Elijah and I have been playing video games since early afternoon.

It feels like a while ago since I've been this relaxed.
Ezra seems to really be hitting off with the others, it's kind of starting to feel as if we've known each other for years.

It's peaceful and for a moment I forget about my worries. My company is even able to make me forget about Elle and my longing to be with her.
Except, well, the fact that I'm in her house right now, the place she spends nearly every minute of her time, aside from the time she's at school.

What if I...Just for a minute, would take this opportunity to get to know my girl a little better?

The loud ringing of the doorbell brings me back to the present, Manuel stands up to get what is probably the food we ordered some time ago.

Now is probably my chance. The fewer people notice I'm gone for a little too long, the better.

"I need to use the bathroom for a moment." I say when Manuel has disappeared.

"Go ahead, take a s-"

"Aargh, please don't finish that sentence." Ezra cut Benjamin off before he could finish our inside joke phrase.

I could still hear the others asking about the rest of the joke as I walked towards the stairs. The closer I got to the front of the house, the clearer I could hear Manuel talking to the delivery guy. Maybe he knows him because he is talking to him as if he is arriving at the hangout to join us, but Manuel is probably just being his social-butterfly-self.

Agile as a supernatural being, I slip toward the staircase and run upstairs without making a sound.

I've entered Elle's room before, when I came to visit her. But that was through the window, so it would've been a guess which door led to her room if it wasn't for the strong smell coming from there.
I breathed in deeply as I stood in front of her door, the sweet air of her scent entering my nose.

I looked to my left and right before I pushed down the door handle.

Her room was a mess; clothes covered the floor and her chair.
Her desk was covered with stuff; seemingly everything but school books.
She must've cleaned when I came over last time.

I walked over to her bookshelf, and read a few familiar titles, but most of them were books I had never heard of. I took a step back and took a picture of all the shelves.
When I got home tonight, I'd look into each one of them. This is important information for when I'm going to start giving her gifts.
Maybe I'll read some of them, especially if they're romance. I want to know how I can make her happy.

I move on to her closet. What is her style?
She always dresses so nicely, as if every single day is important enough to dress up for it. That's another thing I really love about her.

She has a walk-in closet that is nearly completely full.
I flicked through some clothing hanging up and opened some drawers. She has such cute pyjamas in there.

When I open the next drawer, I'm met with her underwear.
My breath catches as I scan the rows of bras. She has some sporty ones but also some more... decorative ones. Nothing too extravagant, though.
She probably wouldn't notice if one went missing, right?

No, I'm not an actual pervert. I know I'm sneaking through a girl's room, but I'm not going to take it to that level right now. This isn't just any girl.

I quickly close the drawer and leave the closet behind me as I redirect my attention to somewhere else.

What would this little goddess keep in the drawers of her nightstand?

Twin Wolves - DamianWhere stories live. Discover now