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When I get home from the movie night it's still only 10 pm so I decide to work on the building of my furniture again because Benjamin isn't home yet. While I'm screwing shelves on the wall my thoughts wander off to the conversation I had with Elle earlier today, more specifically to when she said I was too old. I know she just meant I was too old for orange juice but it just reminded me I was two years older than her. What if that's a problem amongst humans? I don't want her to feel uneasy with our relationship.

Before I know it a lot of time has passed and I'm still putting my king size bed together when I hear Benjamin getting home. "Anything important said at the meeting?"

I don't get an answer, though it's impossible for him to not have heard me.

"What's up? Why are you not answering me?" I ask, starting to worry.

"Nothing important was really said, I'm angry because of what wasn't said."

"What do you mean? Is there something you wanted to discuss with my dad?"

"No that's not it, I'm talking about Ezra. Nobody mentioned him, he wasn't even home when I tried to go see him, I couldn't even mindlink him. It's like he's forgotten."

"No, they can't do that. He's my Gamma, they can't just fuck with him like that!"

"Damian," Benjamin's voice was calm and empathetic, reminding me why he is my Beta," you're no longer the Alpha. The pack doesn't need you anymore so they won't treat you, or us, the way they used to anymore."

Hearing that made me so angry I broke the bed frame I'd been putting together for quite a while, Blair really wasn't going to let this slide so I decided to go for a run in my supernatural form.

The whole night I ran around, exploring the woods and demolishing a small part of them. When I arrived back in town I turned into a human. And yes I cried, I cried until it was enough. The fact that my whole world, everyone I'd ever known had abandoned me was hard to accept so I just let it all out.

I walked around town, shirtless from shifting, until the sun began to rise. The tears had faded but my lungs still felt heavy. School was about to start so I took my time and stepped in the shower when I got back home.

Me and Benjamin arrived late but that didn't matter, nothing of this mattered anymore. The only good thing that happened was Ezra calling me to tell me he was fine and Lukas was making sure he didn't completely rot away in his house. So my depressed mood faltered a little compared to this night, and it almost entirely faded when I found out my PE class was at the same time in the same building as Elle's PE class so I would be getting more glimpses of her to brighten my mood.

Turns out, we just had to run circles like total idiots. No wonder no one did their best. Even I decided to join Zach, Benjamin and this guy named Boris at the back and we just joked around the whole time until we were called back.

"Okay guys, I admit this might not be your favourite part of PE so I decided you can stop." the coach announced. Little cheers sounded from a few guys but the coach shut them up.

I noticed Elle's class gathering in the middle of the field preparing to play some game. I looked around to spot her until I heard my name.

"Damian and Benjamin here, our new students, have been running so slow they were nearly just walking. And I can see, with your physiques, that you guys must work out a lot. Am I right?" Benjamin slowly nodded.

"So I'd like to see what you guys have got. It's a big track so if you guys can run 6 laps, as fast as possible, I'll be impressed. And to put some pressure on you guys, I will put this for grades, not just your own but the grades of the whole class."

And so it happened that me and Benjamin stood at the start of the track with our classmates cheering us on. "So, what should we do?" I asked.

"What if we run normal speed but pretend we're really exhausted after? That'll be believable right?"

"Fine then."

"Three, two, one!" the coach yelled across the field and Benjamin and I started running. It's a shame we never got any training on how to blend in with humans because it would've been really useful, right now I'm not sure how well we're doing. I'm definitely not going all out but I don't think this speed is very... normal... Maybe they'll just take me for a very fast human though.

Benjamin stayed before me because as an Alpha I was faster than him, and staying behind him gave me a little more of an idea how fast I could go, he also handed me a bottle of water so I could pour it over me to mimic sweat after he did the same.

But for a second the water in my eyes blinded me and Blair took control over my body because my human form wasn't recovering fast enough and I wouldn't be able to run straight otherwise.

He threw the empty bottle to the side of the track and surprisingly didn't act up. That was, until he spotted Elle and got excited. FInding this to be the perfect time to impress her. So he sped up, making me curse at him.

Stop, they're humans, you can't show them what you're capable of. I tried to stop him, but he didn't. He ran way too fast, I was able to slow him down almost to my earlier speed but he just wouldn't listen and give me the controle back.

Then suddenly Benjamin mindlinked me, the shattering of my thought process made Blair stop and I was able to get my controle back.

The end of the sixth lap was already there and Benjamin appeared beside me when we got to a halt. "Thanks, that was close." I told him.

"Act tired." he whispered back, putting his hands on his knees and breathing heavily. I copied him right before my coach and classmates arrived at the finish.

"Well I wasn't actually planning to grade your performance but I think it would be unfair not to now. Well done boys, well done. Maybe you guys are interested in joining our tack team?" he said.

"Hell no, never again." I mindlinked Benjamin and he grinned at me.

"We're good, very busy people you know." I replied to the coach's question.

After that he left us alone so I decided to go check on Elle.

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