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That was so embarrassing. Why did I cry over something like this? Angel wasn't even mean about it, so why am I crying when I'm probably the one who hurt him? Oh, I feel so bad. And to make matters worse, I made that awfully long eye contact with Damian, or did it just seem that long to me?
What does he think of me now? That I'm a stupid crybaby? Or an overly sensitive brat?

After letting me in, Manuel followed me to my room.
At times like these, I'm so happy I have at least him when the rest of my family is gone.
He's always been so good at comforting me, maybe because he makes it seem like nothing in the world is ever my fault. It's as if the world is just being mean to me and he'll do anything to make it stop.

As expected of him, he calmly waited for me to tell him the whole story.
We sat on the side of my bed as he listened to me patiently.
When I was finished, he hugged me tight and said I didn't do anything wrong, he said it was good and very brave of me to set my boundaries around someone I care about.
It seemed like he understood how it felt.

"And after all, Angel really should've felt that you didn't look at him that way earlier. He must be absolutely blind." Manuel said, rubbing my back.

"But I really made it sound like I was talking about him when I wasn't, you know? I was the blind one. I should've noticed he thought I would say..."

"Oh no, you just didn't expect him to turn out to be such a bastard because you yourself would never do such a thing. That means you're a kind person; he is not. Believe me, Elle; he doesn't deserve your kindness."

I stayed quiet for a moment, considering what he said.

"I- I guess so... But how am I supposed to face Mia after this? She cares so much about her brother."

"You said it yourself; Angel wasn't really mad about it. Mia won't be mad about it either. And, you know Mia is a smart girl. She will realise you never meant to do anything wrong. And that is exactly what happened, Elle. The truth is that you never meant to hurt Angel, and the truth is the only thing that matters right now."

I looked at him in silence again for a while before blowing my nose once again. Then I smiled weakly at him. "You should be a politician, with the way you can convince people like that."

He laughed softly. "Maybe I should consider that, yeah. I'll give you some space now, alright. If you need me, just come downstairs, or if you don't want to face the boys, I'll come to you."

"Thanks, Manuel. I don't know what I'd do without you." I said as he stood up.

He opened the door. "You're welcome. Always."

After watching my favourite childhood show (an animation about a little mole) for around half an hour, I nearly calmed down completely and decided to go downstairs.
I like having people around me when I feel down or scared. It reminds me that I'm not all alone in this world. I always go on a walk alone in the town centre after my friends leave when we watch a horror movie, it calms me down.

I quietly sit down at the far end of the couch, next to Zach. He pulls his blanket over me so we're sharing, but doesn't look up from the game.
I think they all know I prefer not to be the centre of attention at times like these.

I let my eyes scan the room. I know Damian is sitting next to Zach because I can smell his forestry scent again. Although the closeness makes that nervous energy spark in my belly again, it also makes the nerve-wracking eye contact impossible, for now.

At the other end of the couch sits my brother, next to him is Elijah, followed by a guy I don't recognize. He could be someone Manuel decided to be friends with like ten seconds ago, but something about him tells me he isn't.

Although he doesn't look like Damian at all with his dark skin and dressy clothes, there is something about his vibe that seems similar to him and Benjamin. He looks... intimidating? Better?

There is something inhuman about it, as if they're not like us. As if they know something about life that we don't. Maybe the secret to having the body of a Greek god.

I realised I was staring when the guy looked up from the screen.
We made eye contact, but it didn't feel the same as with Damian, the guy just shamelessly scanned my face. In no way I felt attacked, though, more as if he was curious, trying to see through me.

He smiled at me but, I couldn't really make out if it felt genuine before he already turned back to the game.
I decided to get up and grab something to do for myself, maybe I could draw a little and listen to them talk in the meantime.

When I just entered the hallway I heard someone say something about 'getting some drinks' and getting up though. I tried to rush upstairs before they could enter the hallway, but I was too slow, or maybe he was just way too fast.

My breath stocked as I heard the door open and close before Damian said my name. "Elle-"

Twin Wolves - DamianWhere stories live. Discover now