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After waking up to the sound of Rose's "For You - Page" I let last night replay through my mind, I still blush when I think about it.

Damian is amazing. He and I had been getting to know each other, and with each second that passed, I fell harder for him.

These are a few things I figured out:

He and Benjamin have known each other since they were 3 years old.

He has another friend named Ezra, it sounds like they're also pretty close.

His mother died when he died in an "accident" (he seemed like there was more to it, but I didn't ask).

His dad is insanely rich, that is why he can afford the house he has at his age, but they're not close.

The reason he's here is that they had a fight, but I haven't figured out about what because that's when Rose entered the room and gasped very dramatically as if we were caught up in some scandal, and let's just say that's where our nightly hangout ended.

"Oh my god, that is such a booktok sound!" I immediately called out when I heard the beat drop in The Weeknd's "earned it", and with that, peace was over for the day. We spent the morning talking in bed until 11 a.m. until we had to get ready for our trip to the city.

After I took a quick shower, I picked out a cute outfit.
In the back of my closet I found a forgotten pair of mint green pants, I combined it with a wide necked, beige crop top and put my hair up in a nonchalant looking bun and topped it off with another beige headband to match the shirt and the shoes I'd be wearing, my usual cream-coloured converse.

After Rose exited the bathroom in black jeans and a tight green top, we were ready to go. Manuel is going somewhere too today, so he promised he'd give us a ride since neither of me or Rose have a licence yet, which means we'll only have to find him and then we can go.

Once he dropped us off at our destination, I couldn't contain my excitement as I waited for Nila, and Mia to arrive. I wanted to tell them all about last night, since Rose had already heard the story twice, and I still couldn't shut up about it.
Damian makes me so giddy, it's embarrassing, I feel like a girl in a novel for pre-teens.

When I heard their familiar giggles approaching, I turned to see Katie's radiant smile. We greeted each other, hugging, before we made our way to the busy shopping district.

As we strolled, the sun shined brightly, even though it was a pretty cold autumn day, casting a golden glow over the shopfronts.

Of course, Mia saw that as a perfect opportunity to take a massive amount of pictures for her Instagram. Leading the way, she pointed out stores she had seen videos about online.

"Let's start at the thrift store first," she suggested.

After entering the store and making our way to the right section, we immersed ourselves in the variety of isles and shelves filled with clothing and accessories.

I spent half of the time trying to see the potential in every piece of fabric, and the other half I spent looking for the ugliest clothing I could jokingly show to Mia and tell her stuff like "Girl, this would look so good on you!" or "This was totally made for you!"

Laughter echoed through the store as we tried on different outfits and shared our opinions.

Even with Mia by my side to make sure I wouldn't regret any purchases, I managed to find a white knit cardigan, a black pair of jeans, two cosy sweaters, a very oversized black shirt I would wear as a dress, and somehow I managed to find a super cute summer dress. Bless the person who donated this.

"You're so lucky with that dress." Rose says while we exit the store.

"I know, right!." I say, laughing happily.

Mia sped up a little to switch from talking to Nila and Katie, to us.

"Guys, uhm, Angel is already here to pick the three of us up. But I thought, because you guys kind of know him, he could just tag along while we go grab something to eat?"

"Yeah, sure, why not?"

And that's how we all ended up at a café eating crêpes with Angel.
He was seated in front of Mia and next to me because we were the only ones he really knew, aside from Rose. But she was busy describing some kind of German amusement park to Nila and Katie at the other side of the table.

Meanwhile, Mia was talking about how well the clothes she bought would look in a photoshoot, and promised Angel she would show him the best pieces later. I wasn't really following, though, all I could see was Angel's hand on my armrest. He was unusually physical today, I mean, I do like hugs and everything that comes with the love language of physical touch, but Angel usually doesn't get that comfortable around me.

Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass fills the room and my vision blurs before going completely dark. I'm in a room, seated on a single mattress on the floor.

Aside from that, there is no furniture but the sink I'm looking at.

The woman standing next to it makes my heart beat a million times faster. My breath turns shallow as she approaches me holding something in her hand, the broken-off top of a glass bottle.

She's standing right in front of me now, but I don't dare to glance up at her face. Instead, I watch the sharp glass of the bottle dangling from her hand as she raises it up to my face.

"You ruined my life, you fucking spawn of the devil!" she yells with a humourless laugh, her voice sending shivers down my body. And she pushes the shard into my shoulder, blood splattering everywhere.

"Elle, are you alright?" Angel asks, he brought his face closer and was looking me straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, no, I'm just going to use the bathroom really quickly."

I stand up and head for the bathroom, I pass a waiter picking up the shattered pieces of a wine bottle, but I don't dare to look at it, so I glance back, picking up my friends' worried gazes.

My hands are still trembling, and I'm still breathing way too fast, so head for a stall and just break down. I cry as I push myself between the toilet and the wall in a foetal position, maybe not the cleanest place, but at least it looks like the cleaning lady just visited.

Tears flow in my eyes as I try to process everything that happened. These past few months I've been getting these strange nightmares, they seem so real, I don't know what to think any more.

Aside from that, I have no memories from before the age of six. Mom and dad always just said I just have bad memory, but what if they're hiding something from me. I mean, they would do everything to protect me, right?

So what if something happened to me and I just don't remember?

No, no, it's probably nothing. Just a bad dream that seems very real.

I stand up and after fixing myself before the mirror I exit the bathroom, just to run into Angel, he's leaning against the wall next to the door, his eyes closed.

"Oh, hey. I just wanted to check up on you. Did something happen back there?"

"Not really?" I hesitate, and he just raises an eyebrow at me.

"The truth is that I don't know either. I just had... a thought..."

He looks at me for a while, in silence, but then says: "Do you need a hug?"

"Actually, yes, haha." I feel tears well up in my eyes, but I quickly hide my face in his chest.

We stood there hugging for a while, he seemed to understand I wanted some silence now, but after a while he broke the hug and looked me in the eyes.

"Why don't we go back now, huh? Maybe we can meet up sometime and talk about this?"

"Yeah, sure, It'd be nice to talk to someone about it." I said, a bit more relieved. I actually don't want my friends to worry about this anyway.

"Okay then, let's go."

Twin Wolves - DamianWhere stories live. Discover now