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"What happened?" Damian asked as he got a little closer.

I felt like I could faint, he was so handsome.

"It's fine, just a little... fight." How am I supposed to explain it to him? He probably doesn't even care anyway.

"Fight? Did he hurt you?"

So he knows.

His voice sounded almost worried and maybe even mad.
He grabbed my arms and studied them, as if to look for wounds.
Since we were still on the staircase, he had to stand pretty close in order to be at the same height as me, it gave me the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at his features.

His dark hair, sharp nose and the darkness in his eyes. In combination with his pale skin, it made him look divine, like a vampire.

"He didn't hurt me. I think I hurt him, even." I said carefully.

His shoulders relaxed, and he breathed out as he let one of my arms go with his right hand, he let his other hand slide down so he was holding mine, and made eye contact again.

"I'm going to need some more explanation, darling."

I felt my cheeks getting hotter under his gaze at the sound of the nickname. He smirked slightly, as if he was proud of the effect he had on me. The gesture revealed one of those sharp, perfectly white, teeth in the corner of his mouth. Oh, why was he so perfect? He was like a little sculpted demon.

I opened my mouth, but before I could start speaking, he quickly ran upstairs, pulling me with him. He was already opening the door to my room when I heard someone enter the hallway downstairs.

For a second, it crossed my mind that he seemed to know exactly where my room was. Manuel probably just pointed it out when he visited some other time, though.

"Well, that was fast." I said, trying to hide the fact that I was a little out of breath.

"I guess it was, yeah. What were you going to say?"

I looked around my room, it was a total mess. It's probably too late to clean up some of the stuff now, isn't it?

"So, since you seem to already know about my... date with Angel," I tried to give him a scolding look as I sat down on the side of my bed carefully, "the only part of the story you seem to be missing is the part where I rejected him."

I tried to sound as confident as possible while saying that, and it seemed to work. Damian's frown disappeared, and he sat down next to me.

"You told him no?" he said slowly but approvingly.

"Well, not exactly. I just... pushed him away when he tried to kiss me."

Damian was silent for a moment. "He tried to kiss you?"

The frown reappeared on his face, creasing the smooth skin between his eyebrows. And, did his breath just sound choppy?

"Well, he just got really close." I looked away. "It's hard to believe he'd actually try to kiss me, right?" I tried to lighten the mood. I didn't want him to think I was overreacting.

I jumped slightly when I felt his hand on my chin and his slim fingers pulled me back to reality, to him.

"If only you could see yourself the way I do." he whispered.

I just looked at him with a shocked expression, making him smile.

"You're fucking amazing, Elle. You really don't know?"

"But, there is nothing special about me. I don't have a cool skill or something memorable..."

"Everything. Everything about you is special and memorable."

I just stared at him. How can someone this perfect think that way about me?
He brushed a strand of hair out of my face, still holding onto my chin with the other.

"I don't know how you do it, but whenever you're around I seem to forget everything, and I know every other moment is probably better than this one, but Elle, I need you to know that I love you. A lot. Since the first moment I saw you."

"Huh? You like me?" I couldn't even think straight, the words just rolled over my lips as I pointed from him to me.

"Yes, you. Was I not clear enough? I'm in love with you."

He couldn't possibly be serious, this absolute gorgeous person was interested in me, romantically?
This can't be real. Am I dreaming? I already know I'll wake up with an even bigger crush on him after this.

I secretly pinched my arm behind my back, and no, this was completely real. It's not some kind of fever-dream.

When I looked up, my eyes met Damian's. He just looked at me, and it took me a moment to realise he was waiting for my response.
He seemed to actually think I could reject him, the hottest person I've ever met. I doubt anyone more perfect than him even exists.

"So, what do you think?" he asked hopefully.

My heart was beating so fast, I was scared he'd notice somehow.

"I... I have kind of been crushing on you too."

His eyes immediately lit up entirely. I relaxed a little, that doesn't seem like the reaction of someone who isn't serious.

"But, I don't really know you. I mean, we've had two actual conversations." I continued carefully.

"We'll get to know each other, I just... feel like we belong together." Damian said, a little unsure.

I felt it too, though. It's inexplicable, but I have a feeling he's the first and last guy that will ever be able to make me feel this way.

"The... the feeling is mutual. What I'm trying to say is that I'd like to get to know you at a normal pace. I'd like to go a little slower, or at least, slower than this."

"Slow, got it. I assume it's too early to kiss you, then?" He let his eyes lower to my lips, making the nervous sensation in my belly act up again.

"Just once."

He looked up, a little surprised. Then he smiled. "Just once," he whispered.

He leaned closer until I felt his smile on my lips. I closed my eyes, taking in the moment. It was like everything ceased to exist except for us, the contact made me weak in the knees, no, actually, it made my entire body weak. Including my brain. My arms automatically found their way around his neck, and he gripped my face tighter, I felt his other hand on the back of my neck, a warm and tingly sensation.I think I get what people like about mint chocolate chip ice cream now, the combination of the freshness and the sweetness.I guess that's what this kiss tastes like.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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