6|| Vision

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"How do you know her?" Caspian asked.

"She's someone in my class. What happened here?"

"There was a runaway carriage. That child–"

"You're only four years older than her–"

"–launched herself at me then conjured up some shadows to stop it." Caspian continued as if he hadn't heard his younger brother. "She's a Necromancer, right?"


"And a Reject?"

Sebastian's expression darkened and the energy around him fizzled. "Don't call her that."

Caspian arched a brow. "Dude. What? Since when have you cared about...well, anyone?"

Sebastian stared at the spot where Diya stood. "I don't–"

A piercing pain shot through his skull and he gasped, clutching his head. Images started to form behind his closed eyes, like a movie, and he found himself staring at a young woman.

"You don't have to do this." His own voice was a low growl, heavy with fear and anger, "Who told you to do this?"

The woman laughed humourlessly and tossed her dark hair over her shoulder, "Arthur, you should know by now, no one can make me do anything."

The moonlight shone on her wheatish complexion and glinted off her sword, making her look like a bronze warrior- beautiful and deadly. She leaned against the balcony, adopting a nonchalant stance, but he knew better.

"Then why do you insist on going on this suicide mission?!"

"You have so little faith in me?"

"It's not that, Lee, you know that." He dragged a hand down his face and sighed, "At least let me go with you."

"Then that would defeat the whole point of me going." The woman- Lee?- rolled her eyes. Her gaze softened, "Arthur, I'm gonna come back."

He stayed silent, but the emotions inside continued to gather in a swirling storm.

She sighed and tugged on the black thread around her neck, running her fingers down it until she reached a silver pendant at the base of her throat. "Remember our promise?"

"Yes. We would watch each other's backs and stand together."

"I intend on keeping my vow. Do you?"

"Commander, the horses are prepared." A voice behind him said.

Lee smiled sadly at him, interlocking his fingers with her own and giving it a quick squeeze. Her hand were calloused and rough, "Arthur, I'll be back soon."

He couldn't look at her. "You promise?"

"I promise."


Sebastian gasped, his eyes flew open and he staggered against Caspian. The visions have been getting worse...

"I'm fine," He said gruffly, taking a deep breath and rising to his feet. "Just a little tired."

Caspian shot him a look- pursed mouth and disapproving, slanted eyes. It was a look Sebastian had grown up with. "I call bullshit. You're been having more visions."

"Oh look over there! They're selling apples!" Sebastian attempted to dive towards the store, but his brother grabbed the back of his collar and dragged him back.

"Do not change the subject!" Caspian hissed, gold eyes flashing as a bolt of energy travelled down Sebastian's arm.

"Ow!" Sebastian yelped, rubbing his arm. "That hurt!"

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