14|| Baking

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Sebastain wasn't sure if he'd heard correctly. "What?"

"The Elsher Family. I want to leave them. Is that- is that not possible?"

"It is possible, but only in extreme cases. You would have to prove that the Elshers were unfit parents."

"That... shouldn't be too hard to do," Diya said with a wry smile. "Could I submit anonymous statements from witnesses?"

"...Yeah, that should be fine," Sebastian said worriedly. He wanted to ask more, but they hadn't been friends long enough for him to cross those boundaries yet.

The door burst open and a loud voice called out, "Hey, Seb, I heard we had a guest– oh."

Diya immediately stood and bowed. "I, Diya Elsher, greet the Second Prince of the Cerean Empire."

"At ease, Miss Elsher," Caspian inclined his head stiffly towards her, slightly sweaty from his magic training. "Is there a reason for your visit today?"

"I have come to see the Emperor."

"I see."

Did something happen between them? Sebastian thought, noting the terse glares exchanged.

"Well, anyways," Caspian gave a dazzling smile that was faker than a friendly hater. "I have to go clean up. It was very nice meeting you, Miss Elsher."

"You too, Your Highness." Diya bowed again, a slight crease between her brows.

Once Caspian left, Diya's shoulders sagged in relief and she sat down, taking a dainty slurp of her tea. She bit into a cake, eyes fluttering close in delight. "Wow, this is so good."

"Really? I made it myself."

Diya choked on the bite. "What?"

A slight redness crept across Sebastian's cheeks and he scratched the back of his head. "Um, yeah... I really like baking and stuff, so I made a batch and have been giving them out to people."

Diya held the small cupcake to the light, examining it like it was a complex equation she couldn't crack. "Interesting... A cake made by the Crown Prince. You could sell this and become a millionaire within a week."

He shook his head resolutely. "No, never. I don't want to turn this hobby into a job- that makes it less enjoyable."

He has a point. Diya admitted, taking more care to relish each bite.

An attendant emerged and said the Emperor and Empress had granted an audience. Diya mournfully left the remains of her cake behind, slightly nervous that she would be meeting both the Emperor and Empress.

She smoothed down the creases in her dress and took a deep breath. At Sebastian's encouraging smile, she entered the room.

The audience room was, as expected of the richest family in the room, lavishly decorated. Two ornate thrones were raised on a dais at the back, in front of which was a long table made of probably incredibly rare wood. Portraits by famous artists hung loosely on the walls, their gilded frames studded with enough gems to support a family for at least ten generations.

Diya noticed one of the paintings had a cloth covered over it, revealing nothing but the smallest corner of a blackened frame. She tilted her head for a better look, but quickly caught herself in time.

"I greet Your Highness–"

"Miss Elsher, please drop the formalities," Empress Aurelia said with a kind smile. The diamonds on her crown glittered mesmerisingly. "You are our son's friend and saved his life. It is us who should be respecting you."

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