19|| Damned Reject

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"Diya? Hey I've– oh. It's you."

Caspian ignored the slight sting in his chest as Sebastian's face crumpled from pure, puppy joy to despondence. He sat down in the chair, noting with satisfaction how the Crown Prince's complexion had gotten a little healthier.

"What a lovely way to greet your older brother."

"Ah no! It's just... I had something to tell Diya."

"Ooh, is it a secret? I'm fond of secrets." Caspian shuffled to the edge of his seat and rested his face in an open palm, golden eyes gleaming in delight.

"Shove off, Cas. This isn't for you." Sebastian craned his neck to try and see around the doorway. "Is Diya–"

"She's not coming. She suddenly–" Caspian was about to say the Elsher kid felt unwell, but quickly realised the news would only distress him further. "–had to go. She told me to send regards and wishes."

"Oh okay." Sebastian leaned back in the bed and crossed his arms. "How are the Nobles holding up?"

"Annoyed they're up so late, and a little frightened of the Necromancer."

"She is pretty scary."

Caspian scoffed. "That's just her overconfidence. I could turn her to ash before she could even blink."

"Huh." Sebastian raised a brow and his lips quirked up in an amused smirk. "That's interesting."

"What is?"

"Oh nothing. Just something Diya said once."

Again with that damned Reject. Caspian scowled, slouching back in his seat. Strands of hair swept over his forehead and his shirt was back to front- a rarity for the usual uptight and meticulously put together Second Prince.

He must've been worried about me. Sebastian thought, guilt wreaking havoc on his heart. I shouldn't have caused him to worry about me- he's got enough on his plate already.

"You look worse than usual," Sebastian said bluntly. "Like, even worse than the time you had to visit after I nearly drowned."

"Is that the way you talk to the better brother?"

"Who said you were better?"

"Please, the world was a much happier place before you decided to break through its crust."

Graciously allowing Caspian to win this argument, Sebastian decided to change the conversation topic. "Seriously, what's going on?"

"Father hired a complete stranger to work in the Imperial household and, within a day, the Crown Prince was attacked and hospitalised. I have every right to be serious right now."

"She's not a stranger- she's my friend."

Caspian cast his gaze to the ceiling and his eyes fluttered close as a pained sigh pushed past his lips. Goddess protect this naive boy.

"I know what you're thinking," Sebastian said softly, tucking his knees to his chest. He stared at a spot just past Caspian's ear. "But I'm sure Diya wouldn't harm me. I've... I've got this strange feeling."

A horrified expression contorted Caspian's face. "Don't tell me it's love?"

"What? No! Ew, no. I mean that I feel like I've seen her before!"

"Oh phew, there's some hope for you after all." Caspian grinned, running a hand through his hair and propping his bad leg up on the bed.

"Shut up. I'm serious!"

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