18|| Khasia

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"What did you do to my brother?"

Diya tilted her head back, resting against the cold white walls as she answered the same question for the tenth time. "I did nothing. We were attacked by a spirit and Seb- his Highness the Crown Prince strained himself with his magical abilities."

There were other upstanding Nobles in the room whose tired expressions morphed briefly into one of belief. The Crown Prince was notorious for helping others, even if it led to his own demise. However, not a single person stepped forward to defend the Reject Necromancer.

A dark scowl settled over Caspian's expression like a murderous thundercloud. He crossed his arms, trying to look dignified despite his hair looking like a hedgehog had found permanent residence in his hair. "How come they attacked you, Elsher? Necromancers can control ghosts."

"That is a myth. We cannot control ghosts, only communicate and sometimes banish evil spirits. Can I go–"

"How do I know you are not lying?"

"Second Prince, if you had ever picked up a book about Necromancers, most have this fact clearly stated within the first chapter."

"You have already proven yourself to be untrustworthy. How can I believe your words?"

Diya wanted to throttle the man, but clenched her hands into fists to subdue the temptation. She cleared her throat and tried to keep her tone light and respectful. "Your Highness, why would I want to harm the Crown Prince? My salary depends on his wellbeing."

Sadly, this joke was not as well received as she hoped it would be. Dark red magic circles appeared around Caspian, pulsing with a faint glow.

Diya stood, her chair clattering to the ground beside her as she summoned a wave of shadows to her side. They flooded the room, eager to serve their master.

Caspian sneered. "Do you really want to challenge me, little Reject? You're confident for someone so young."

She smirked, revelling in the terrified expressions of the witnesses. "I can kill everyone in this room before most of them can even lift a finger. Skills like that can do wonders for your confidence."

This did not reassure the uneasy Nobles, who whispered amongst themselves with furtive glances at Diya.

Caspian's face flushed and a flare of energy erupted in front of Diya. She drew her shadows tighter and larger around her and allowed them to wreath over her body like a protective shroud. It was almost comical to see such a young person able to command such deadly magic.

"No!" A powerful voice thundered and both Caspian and Diya snapped their heads towards it. "There will be NO KILLING on my ward!"

"Doctor Khasia." Caspian inclined his head respectfully, retracting the circles. "I deeply apologise–"

"Oh drop your shenanigans, boy," Dr. Khasia snapped, her brown eyes slanting in disgust as her upper lip curled into a grimace. "I've got more grey hairs than you have years, so ZIP IT!"

"Greetings, Doctor Khasia." Diya dropped into an elegant bow and gave a dazzling smile reserved for those she needed to swindle. "I am Diya Elsher, of House Elsher. Thank you for providing such prompt treatment to me and the Crown Prince so late at night, and I'm sorry for causing a ruckus on your ward."

Dr. Khasia was immediately taken in by the charade- much to the annoyance and horror of Caspian. "Oh finally! Someone in the Imperial Palace has manners. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Elsher."

"Manners?" Caspian scoffed, running a hand through his messy blonde hair. "She wouldn't know manners if it danced naked around her while hollering the national anthem."

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