31|| Meeting

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Fortunately, the guards weren't so thick-headed as to deny Empress Aurelia an audience. They bowed so low their foreheads almost touched the floor, and instantly swung the thick doors open.

Diya rested a hand over her chest and bowed as well, starting to murmur the customary greeting, but the Empress cut her off.

"We have no time for such formalities, child. Come inside, and shut the door. The palace walls have ears, and I'm in no mood to get another person's blood on my dress again today."

What does she mean by again? Diya thought, following the Empress inside with only a slight horror on her face.

She was quick to smooth over her expression and bow when she saw the Emperor, who was seated in the highest position of honour at the far end of the oak table.

"You summoned me, Your Highness?"

There was much death in this room, most of them were old with the spirits passing on long ago. However there were a few lingering souls who glided through the windows and walls and ceilings with vacant looks in their deadened eyes. Diya forced herself to banish them from her vision, and focused on the living couple in front.

"Yes, Lady Diya." The Emperor folded a piece of parchment and slipped it in his pocket. "Do you remember the assassin that you saved my son from on his birthday?"

Diya nodded. How could I not? It's what started this whole mess.

"Yesterday, we discovered him lying in the cell, having strangled himself with his old manacles after repeatedly attempting to crush his own throat." Emperor Carlos leaned forwards and rested his arms on the table. "We want you to resurrect him, and then conduct an interview."

A faint smile touched the Necromancer's lips and she shook her head, surprised at the Imperials' naivety. "I am sorry, Emperor Carlos, but it will not be possible. I can only communicate with spirits who do not wish to pass onto the Realm of Dead. Suicide shows clear intentions of wishing to pass on."

"But how will you know unless you try?" His voice was underlined with the same optimism as his youngest son's.

Diya's gaze slid over him as if he was invisible, staring at a memory they couldn't see. "Believe me, I've tried, Your Majesty. It is impossible to bring back the dead once they've moved on."

"Onto more fortunate news." The Empress twisted a silver ring around her finger. It caught on the dappled sunlight streaming through the window. "We wished to tell you that House Elsher's trial will be held next week. Many of the servants in the household have given their statements, and it should be enough to convict them of numerous crimes."

Diya's shoulders dropped the tiniest fraction, but her countenance was blanker than an artist's new canvas. "Thank you, Your Majesties, that is excellent news to hear."

Emperor Carlos raised an eyebrow. "I thought you would be more happy, Lady Diya."

"I am–"

"Carlos," Empress Aurelia commanded, resting her hand on his arm. "You can hardly expect her to jump for joy in front of us!"


"Enough." She turned to Diya with a serene smile that contrasted the sharpness of her multicoloured irises. "My dear, we have been taking much from you, and offered very little in return. Speak, do you have any particular questions for us?"

Feeling bold, Diya decided to ask the one question that had been plaguing her mind, "The news about the First Division. Is it- is it good or bad?"

The couple exchanged a wary glance. Diya didn't like that- no good news started with silence.

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