20|| Kyler

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The last place Diya ever expected she would end up was the Intensive Treatment Area in the biggest hospital within the Cerean Empire. Well, that and Heaven- no deity was crazy enough to let her in paradise.

Diya managed to pry her eyes open and rubbed away the thick gloop of sleep nestled in their corners. Her mouth was dry, as if she'd spent her life swallowing sand. When she tried to raise a hand, Diya was surprised to find there was a heavy weight on it.

For a second, an ancient panic crashed over her and she bit down hard to break the poison tooth nestled at the back of her mouth, but found only a normal one. Then she froze, realising the war was long over and that it wasn't an enemy by her side but the Crown Prince.

"Oi," she whispered, biting back a smile at how his fringe puffed up with every exhale. "Crown Prince! Up."

She flicked his forehead and he jolted awake, a small knife in his hand raised and ready to strike down. Upon realising it was Diya who had stirred him from his deep slumber, his expression brightened.

"Diya!" He beamed, lowering the weapon. "How are you feeling?"

"Water," she rasped, eyeing the seemingly innocent dagger as he tucked it back into his side. I'll have to remember that it's there for the future.

"Of course!" Sebastian hastily stood and filled a glass from a pitcher. He attempted to help her drink it, but a single glare resulted in him meekly passing it over.

"Were you getting changed on your way over?" Diya raised an eyebrow, nodding to his half-buttoned shirt, open jacket and shoes that were on the wrong feet.

A furious blush coloured his cheeks and Sebastian stammered out excuses, turning his back on Diya as he quickly rearranged his clothes to something a little more put together. To give him some semblance of privacy, Diya turned her head and was surprised to see the Second Prince sitting perfectly straight on a stiff, wooden chair.

"Your Highness." Although the action felt like it was about to snap her neck, she inclined her head towards him respectfully.

"Don't strain yourself Diya," Sebastian chastised, pushing her back. "Take some rest."

She shoved his hand away and attempted to sit up. "I don't have time to rest–"

"I'll add twenty percent to your pay if you lie down right now."

"...Maybe five minutes won't hurt. Tell me what happened."

Caspian scoffed and crossed his arms. "I have never heard a mere subject be so rude."

"You probably haven't travelled very far then. The world has a lot of assholes like me."

A brief flicker of annoyance washed over Caspian's expression before he smoothed it into his Imperial facade. "Shut up, Reject."

"Ooh name calling- how fearsome."


"Excuse me, Your Highnesses?" A man clad in white robes and black cape bowed, green eyes flashing with an unknown emotion. "Could you please leave the room for a few minutes? I must check Lady Elsher's wounds- we had to make an incision on her abdomen to force the mana in to correct the imbalance. "

A slight crease appeared on Sebastian's forehead. "Who are you? I do not think Doctor Khasia has hired any new Healers recently."

"I am a trainee, Your Highness. My name is Kyler." He bowed again, but Sebastian didn't seem convinced.

"Hey Prince, are you gonna stand there while I undress to show my wounds?" Diya asked, smirking as Sebastian coughed and turned red.

"Of course he isn't." Caspian stood and limped over, dragging his brother out of the room. "Get discharged quickly and leave- your Imperial duties will commence tomorrow."

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