23|| Sculpture

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"I have been informed that you skipped the training again today."

"I wasn't feeling challenged enough, and I wanted to focus on academics. The Emperor and Empress are spending much money on my education- I must utilise their efforts, Second Prince."

"Learning how to protect the Crown Prince is much more important. I heard you were beaten by a recruit on your first day."

Ah yes, that Pseudoidre. Diya's hands curled into fists and she battled off the wave of nausea that overcame her. Ever since that day, she had avoided the training centre. She couldn't remember what the man looked like, and couldn't bear to suffer another humiliation.

"That was merely a one-time event. I can guarantee that, if you placed me against any other, it would not happen again."

"Do you understand the humiliation the Imperial family has suffered due to your foolishness? Why would you agree to fight a battle you cannot win?"

Diya flinched- a barely noticeable twitch, but one that Caspian did not miss.

He frowned and put down his pen, tearing his eyes away from the mountain of documents. Diya silently kicked herself for wearing her emotions on her sleeve, convinced the Second Prince would mock her.

"Did something happen?"

"I know you don't like me but this is going too– wait. What did you just say?"

Caspian bristled at her lack of formalities, but decided to be gracious enough and let it slide. "I asked you if something happened."

"You just said- I got beaten on my first day. Can't you just accept that I'm being salty over that?"

"Don't ask questions with no answers. I won't ask again- what happened?"

"Then don't ask again." Diya mocked, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "It's nothing I've not faced before. If I say that I'll go to training, will you go back and let me protect the precious Crown Prince?"

"Sarcasm is not appreciated in this household."

"Oh, please accept my humblest apologies, great Second Prince." Diya opened the door and backed out of the room with an exaggerated bow.

"Come back here you soulless Reject," Caspian hissed, standing up abruptly and limping around the desk.

"Make me, three-legs."


An eardrum-shattering sound exploded in the room as the window splintered into a thousand fragments of glass. An arrow whizzed through the air, precisely where Caspian's head had been just moments earlier, and landed with a thump! in the stack of paper. It fizzled and disintegrated into a pool of purple acid dripping all over the desk.

Diya blinked. "Well. That just happened."

Caspian sighed and raised his hands, performing a series of gestures that caused an orange magic circle to appear. The acid lifted gracefully off the paper and disappeared with a small pop!

"It seems the assassins are getting bolder these days." Caspian scowled and checked the pages to make sure nothing was damaged.

"Could it have something to do with the new drug?" Diya dropped her voice to just above a murmur, glancing around to see if anyone was watching.

"I doubt it. Our team was meticulous in ensuring not even a whisper of the investigation got out. But it is not something you should concern yourself with. Go protect the Crown Prince."

Diya hesitated, then tilted her head down. "Yes, Your Highness. But... just try not to die. Don't get me wrong, you're still a prick, but it would throw the Empire into disarray if you're killed."

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