16|| Curse

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"Okay, so, towards the end of last year, I began having these really weird visions."

"What kind of visions?"

"I'm getting there. Initially, they were of the Cerean Empire but a bit... different. I don't know how to explain it, but I could spot familiar things that looked a bit... odd? Do you get what I mean?"

"Not really."

"Oh. Well, anyways, the visions started to change a little while later- about the time I officially met you. I would see a woman... she looked, well, she looked a lot like you."

Diya's eyebrows shot up and her jaw dropped slightly. "Woah."

"Yeah, woah. My parents tried everything- Healers, Oracles, Scholars- but neither of them could explain it. What was your vision about?"

"Well mine was also weird," Diya snorted. "It was about this man- some sort of ruler? We were in some sort of ballroom... I don't know, and I was happy."

"That is weird. I can't imagine you without your trademark scowl and cynical attitude."

"Shut up Askanier."

"Now, now, that's not very happy, Elsher."

Rolling her eyes, Diya swatted his arm and he laughed. Sebastian was so carefree and relaxed that she almost forgot he was the Crown Prince and that her slap could technically cost her a few years in prison. But he didn't seem to care- it was a refreshing change from the usual, uptight Nobles who spent most of their time with noses in the air and glared if their tea was a single degree too cold.

"What do we do now?" Diya asked, the chilly air raised the hair on her arms.

"Good question. I've been reading up on some books, but there's nothing in there. I've never read anything like this... I also tried looking at old images of the Empire, but I've never seen anything like the buildings or style."

"Mmh..." Diya tilted her head and frowned, thinking of the designs in the ballroom. "What about outside the Empire?"

"There aren't many books about that."


"I know right?" Sebastian rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.

Diya found herself looking at his hair and, with a jolt, realised it was different from the other Imperials. Their hair was the colour of freshly spun gold, whereas his reminded her of the waves crashing against the shore.

"Why is your hair different?" The words were out before Diya could stop them and she sucked in a sharp breath. Bastard children were not uncommon within the Imperial Family- especially before the age of Heartfix.

"I know what you're thinking, Diya," Sebastian smiled ruefully, "it's what everyone thinks each time they see this. But they're wrong."

"So... can I ask what happened?"

A deep flush erupted on Sebastian's cheeks and he cleared his throat, tucking his chin to his chest. "It's... a bit embarrassing."

Diya quirked a brow. "What embarrassing situation could possibly lead to blue hair?"

"The magical kind." Sebastian waggled his fingers and tiny sparks jumped at the movement. Diya felt a sharp jolt of pride. He has learned to control his powers well. "I... Well, it's Caspian's fault, really. I mean, how was I supposed to know the pretty girl I set him up with was an assassin?"

"How does that lead to you having blue hair?"

"He cursed me," Sebastian sighed, mournfully tugging on the ends of his hair. "Except because he's so powerful, the spell cannot be undone. I'll have to grow it out."

"What colour is your hair normally?"


Diya's head snapped over to meet his gaze. She tilted her head and squinted, then widened her eyes then squinted again. She leaned back and clicked her tongue against her teeth, nodded and then shook her head.

"Is this some sort of new dance trend in the Capital that I don't know about?"

"Yeah, it's called 'Dance of the clicks'. I'm a champion."

"Wait, really?"

"No, you idiot. That was sarcasm. Do you not have it in Imperial Courts?"

"Nah we prefer to disguise our insults as compliments and stab our own family in the back if it means getting power." Sebastian pushed his head back and, in a mockingly posh accent, said, "We leave the brutal sarcasm for the commoners and lesser Nobles."

Diya chuckled softly, dipping her fingers in the water. Darkness swarmed like an epidemic from where her hand made contact, cloaking the innocent fish in their despairing depths. Diya gasped and pulled her hand back and the shadows fled, bleeding into the walls of the fountain and finding a home in the crevices.

"I- I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed as dead fishes floated on the surface. "I- I don't know what happened."

"It's okay," Sebastian said gently, but just as shocked. He placed his hands in the water and pulled out an orange fish with beautiful gold eyes staring aimlessly ahead. He sighed mournfully. "Oh Guppy, you will be missed."

Diya stared at her hands and dolefully shook her head. A coil of darkness slithered around her fingers, but this felt different from usual- older and... angrier.

She shook it off and took a shuddering breath, curling her hands into tight fists by her side. A heavy weight dropped in the pit of her stomach and goosebumps erupted across her skin. Diya shivered and rubbed her arms, trying to bring some warmth, but it was no use.

Sebastian saw the movement and tossed poor Guppy back in the water. He stood up abruptly and extended his hand, a frown marring his expression. "Let's go back inside. It's getting cold... we can go to the library if you want?"

"Yeah," Diya accepted his hand and tried to hide the tremble in her voice, "I- uh, is there a way for me to secretly get a message to House Elsher? Without the Duke and Duchess finding out?" I can't go into the Light Room again.

What have they done to you? Sebastian thought, turning his head slightly so Diya couldn't see the rage in his expression. Forcing his voice to remain carefree, he told her to write the note out and he would use his most trustworthy soldier to ensure it got to the right person.

"Knight Alina," Diya answered quickly. "Get it to her. She'll know what to do."

"Of course," Sebastian nodded, knowing he was in for a very long walk that night. "Now, the library?"

"Lead the way, Crown Prince." 



1. Use emoijs to describe how the book has made you feel so far 

2. What do you think about the visions? 

3. Have you ever looked up the meanings behind character names 👀 ? 

I hope you guys liked it! 

Stay safe and thanks for reading :) 

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