33|| Imperial

71 5 48


The door burst open and a wave of blue light entered the room. The Healers screeched and threw up their hands, trying to counteract it with their own magic, but it was pointless to try to quell the worry of a Mage.

In the corner, Diya looked up from her book with a scowl. "Can't you see I'm trying to read?"

Sebastian crossed space and pulled his bodyguard from her seat, much to her annoyance, and spun her around. He let out a sigh of relief and pressed his hands on her shoulders. "Now I'm going to need you to not scream. Or pull away."

"What are you–" Diya broke herself off with a soft gasp as a flood of warmth entered her body from her shoulders. It reminded her of the time Sebastian took away her headache in the school library. That feels like a lifetime ago.

Sebastian stepped back and the light disappeared. He grinned. "Congratulations, Diya, you're not possessed!"

She stared at him with blank eyes. "What?"

"I just checked if the demon had given you a Thought Infection, and he hadn't!"

"T-that's great, I think?" Diya had never heard of a Thought Infection before and made a mental note to check the library when she was discharged. Trying to keep her tone and demeanour as relaxed as possible, she ventured to ask the question that had been plaguing her mind, "So, do you- do you know who that demon was?"

Sebastian's expression darkened and he nodded. "Yes, Caspian believes he is Prince Kyler of the Demon Realm."

"D-does he now?"

Sebastian mistook her stammering for fear of her brother possibly being taken by such a dangerous being. "Not to worry, Diya! Your brother must be alive- demons require their host to be alive in order to wear their face."

Diya nodded and thanked him for his woefully incorrect advice. That's just a myth we spread to trick you guys.

"I also talked to Father about the trial." He dropped his voice to a whisper. "After we win next week, we can go to the Capital and set up a protected account separate from the Elshers. Then your salary can be deposited then, sounds good?"

Diya thought back to Hazel and Carl. "Yes, I want to go see some friends as well."

"You have friends?"

"No need to sound so surprised." Diya picked up her book and pointed at a Healer scurrying to the other side of the ward. "You there."

"Y-yes?" He squeaked, glasses slipping to the edge of his nose as he jolted in surprise.

"Am I free to go?"

"W-well, we need to do a few more checks–"

"But the Crown Prince himself has checked me." Diya jabbed Sebsatian in the stomach with her elbow, causing him to straighten and adopt a more dignified manner. "Are you saying that he is wrong?"


"So I'm free to go?"

The Healer glanced around the busy ward then gave a resigned shrug. "Okay. Just remember to come back in if you experience any nausea or headaches."

"Will do," Diya said, not fully listening but more desperate to get out away from the stench of sickness and bleach. It brought back too many memories of dark bottles and syringes full of red.

"You're so cruel," Sebastian whispered. "You could've been a bit nicer."

"Being nice doesn't get me anywhere in this world." Diya tied her hair up and side-eyed him. "You'd do well to remember that."

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