Let It Be You

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Times in my secluded world

Is like the sun at its final repose.

It is darkness forever untouched

By the sharpness of light.

But if ever there is, let it be you--

To cover my dampened eyes,

That I may never see the tears

And count them as they tumble.

Times amidst the faces that linger around me

Who could tell beneath those smiles

If they are nothing but lies?

There is no sort of permanence

Nor lasting comfort on this earth.

But if ever there is, let it be you--

For beneath your smile, I can see truth.

Within your eyes, I can see life.

Times I've spent without you

Remind me of lost friends

Where love had never been

As constant as the sun.

But if ever there is, I pray let it be you--

For I have your love always,

Even in the darkest night of winter,

Shining through.

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