Episode 3

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S is seen taking 3 human skeletons into the landing pod.

V: perfect! Now we can be dapper!

Her visor had a monocle on.

N: ehhh... I do wanna be dapper... but no! We can't interact with the workers unless theirs danger! We only cause problems!

V: oh come on! Let loose a little! It's a party! Plus, I haven't gotten out of this pod in weeks now!

S: V! We aren't letting you kill them!

V: I won't! Plus! What's there to do that's better to do then this!?

N: play a game, try and fix our ship, try to figure out why most of our memories before coming here are missing!

V: those aren't that important!

N: aren't you concerned about how we might've grown up in a haunted mansion and have somehow grown a couple feet, gained all these weapons AND are on a different planet!?

V:... no idea what you're talking about.

S:... you have those memories too?

N: oh thank GOD!!! I thought I was the only one!

S: nope I... I have a few here and there.

N: hey V! Do you have any!?

V was turned away in her chair.

V:... promise me you guys will stop prying into that stuff... if you free me now, I promise we will only kill what we need to survive...

N: V, look. I can tell you know something. So, if we all only have small pieces, maybe we could put them together and-

Suddenly, both S's and N's heads get cut clean off. V stood up, using the key to get her shackle off before grabbing the dress off one of the skeletons.

V: this is what's best. Even if you hate me for it.

A few minutes later—

His S and N shoot up.

S: shit.

N: oh no oh no!

They quickly go to the exit.

N: wait!

S: what?

N was looking at the skeletons.

S: N, no! We have an emergency!

N: but... but...

S: N!




S... Fine...

N: Dapperin'!!!

The duo get on the suits and hurry off to go stop V from probably killing everyone, or getting killed by Uzi. They fly through the sky towards the bunker. S then noticed Uzi running outside. S quickly flew down, making a cloud of snow after he did. He got up and brushed himself off.

Uzi: S!?

S: Uzi!?

Both: How did? Why are?

They both stop for a second.

Uzi: there was a-

S: I can help! ...But you probably don't want-

Uzi: no! I... could use... your... err, help.

They both stand in silence for a second. Uzi had a slight blush on her face.

N: Dapper buddies!!!

He pulls the 2 into a group hug.

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