Memory 9

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We see S walk into the small hut.

Person: about time one of you showed up.

He puts on a high tech pair of goggles.

Person: welcome back S!

S: h-how did-

Person: I can tell! Now. I'm sure you have some questions I know. So. My names Luke. Ask me anything!

S: ok Luke... how do you know me...?

Luke: I give ya to Tessa! The kid activated you, but I found your boxes!

S: ok... so why did you exactly?

Luke: drones are fading out. Less used. Now they're only used as slaves for mining and factories. I'm hoping by gifting you to such a wealthy family could get them back in business again!

S:... ok... then... why am I... orange...?

Luke:... it's quite simple. There are 4 types of drones. Workers. They're used in factories and such. Come in a lot of colours. But you? Your a server drone. Model 1 drones are yellow. Model 2 drones are red. And 3 are the combination of the colours!

S: so... I'm a model 3?

Luke: yep! Well, mostly.

S: huh?

Luke: long story... I don't 100% trust those guys... look. If those guys ever use you for anything villainous or evil... as soon as you can, meet me back here. I'll be here for around 50 or so more years.

S: umm... o...k...?

S woke up. He was in the camp uniform.

N: good morning sleepyhead!

S: what's wrong? Did something happen?

N: no! We just got to get to the camp Uzi's going to!

S: oh... right.

N: let's get going!

S: umm... N... if I may ask... do you remember...Tessa...?


S:... N?

N:... kinda...

After a second, he flew away. S sighs and flys after him.

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