Memory 17

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S was still under concrete, with a slightly older version of Doll setting a few things up for him.

Doll: Хорошо, у меня есть все, что должно прослужить вам какое-то время, так что вы сможете пережить этот большой шторм.
Eng: Ok, so I have everything that should be able to last you a while, so, you should be able to survive this big storm.

S: Thanks Doll...

Doll:... Я никогда раньше не спрашивал... но... Почему ты там лежишь?
Eng:... I never really asked before... but... Why are you laying there?

S:... do you mean why I'm stuck under concrete?

Doll: да.
Eng: Yes.

S:... I... think someone trapped me here...

Doll: ВОЗ!? Кто это сделал! Я... я убью их!
Eng: Who!? Who did this! I... I'll kill them!

S: no... no no... it's fine. I was trying to kill them after all... plus. I don't exacly remember who left me here...

Doll: ... хорошо...
Eng: ... ok...

S: Thank you, though. For all of this.

Doll: Конечно!~
Eng: Of course!~

She fed him some oil before leaving. The storm blows hard that night, causing the building behind him collapsing mostly, wrecking the tent and leaving him covered in rubble. S lays there in sleep mode replaying a memory over and over again just trying to wait for... something... he can't remember. But soon, his thoughts were cut off by the sound of footsteps. Looking up, he saw a pair of purple eyes looking down at him.

S powers back on. After a second, his vision focoused and he saw Doll only an inch away from his visor.

Doll:... Ты помнишь меня... не так ли...?~
Eng:... You remember me... don't you...?~

Her visor flashes between her normal eyes, absolute solver, and utter devotion.

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