Side Story 1

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A/N: ok. So this takes place after 4 and before 5. Doesn't matter when exactly.

S is seen chilling in the snow, letting himself slowly get buried. That is until V flies down, scattering the snow. Uzi ran over momentarily after.

V: S! Get up!

S: why?

Uzi: as your girlfriends. You now have a responsibility! You have to take us out, on a date!

S:... why?

Uzi: because you love us!... you love us... right...?

Utter Devotion flashes in her eye.

S: y-yes! Of course!

He gets up.

S: so, umm... where do you two want to go then?

V: The perfect date is one where we go out, get something to eat, hold hands, watch the sun set, and it ends with se-

Uzi: well my dream date would be at home. We would watch a movie, play video games, cuddle a bit, and it ends with se-

S: ok. Umm... how about we just do a bit of both? Like, go out to eat, walk around a bit, go home and play some games, and then cuddle?

Both: and finish off with-

Simon: No! No! Just... *sigh*... we'll see how the night goes.

The girls both get giddy. S blushed and sighs.

S: So. Do you guys even have restaurants here? What do regular drones eat?

Uzi: Well we don't HAVE to eat. So we really just have one cafeteria where can get some snacks like batteries, gasoline, LED lights, and other of the such.

V: huh. I've never had any of those.

S: neither have I. It might be fun.

Uzi; trust me, you'll both love it!

She excitedly pulls them through the bunker. They eventually get to the snack bar. No one was there and the guy who handed stuff out was asleep.

Uzi: he's always asleep. Hold on.

She jumps the counter and grabs a ton of stuff, piling it onto the counter before jumping back over.

Uzi: and, voila~

S: that actually looks pretty delicious.

V: yeah, ok. Fine. Maybe it does.

S grabs all the stuff with only one hand.

Uzi: heh. You're strong~

S blushes slightly. He went over to a table that was bolted to the ground at a booth and put the stuff down. The trio sit down with S in between the girls.

Uzi: ok. What do you guys wanna try first!?

S: hmmm...

V: ...well... if I have to... the gasoline then.

Uzi: great choice!

The 3 drones each grab a canister with "Gas" written on it. They open them and take a sip.

S: woah...

V: that's... delicious!!!

She chugs the entire thing, with S drinking more right behind her.

Uzi: I know right!?

V: ok. I was expecting some trashy stuff but this is actually good.

S: maybe you should be more open minded!

Murder drones: VPCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat