Chapter One

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(Third Person POV)

(A Thousand Years Ago)

Sukuna: "Any last words?"

The man before him looked up from the spear protruding from his chest and grabbed the shaft of the weapon, blood pouring from the wound and his mouth.

???: "Generations uncounted will curse your name for eternity Ryomen so I'll save my insults, but I do have one last thing to give you before I die."

Sukuna: "And what would that be?"

The sorcerer tore the weapon out of his torso and gave a bloody smiled, clasping his hands together into a gesture. The blood pouring from his open would stopped in midair rams began returning to the body.

???: "Domain expansion."

The sorcerers where enveloped by what looked like a tidal wave of blood. Sukuna quickly regained his vision to see then surrounded by waterfalls of blood and the man he had just speared now standing across from him. His body was deprived of any blood giving his skin a hauntingly pale complexion while his eyes became dark red. He was held up by cords made of blood as if he were as puppet on a sting as he stared down his killer with bloodlust.

???: "Crimson Harvest."

Sukana could help but smile at his former comrade's last ditch effort to make a stand. Unlike other sorcerers who where either too concerned for their well-being or were constricted by their own morals, the blood sorcerer understood that true mastery of the jujutsu arts required the sacrifice of both himself and others.

This wasn't a attack that could kill Sukana but rather it was to let him know that there was someone out there who doesn't fear him and wanted to spite him. As much as the four armed monster wanted to take the time to gloat his impending victory, he was not oblivious to the danger he was potentially in.

After a few minutes the dark red domain barrier collapsed along with its user. Sukuna was already healing from the many wounds he had sustained and walked over to the corpse. His opponent did not beg for mercy or cowered before him like so many have, it was almost a pity to kill someone who actually had some spine.

He sighed at the idea many would become boring in comparison since many could never even scratch the curse user. Still, the fight was fun while it lasted.

Sukuna: "Well played old friend."

(Present Day)

Jujutsu sorcerers throughout the ages have been honing their craft to protect the world from cursed spirits, monsters born from negative emotion that only the sorcerers can see. The only way to kill the spirits is with cursed energy that can come from the user or an inanimate object.

Y/N is a practitioner of blood sorcery, an effective but dangerous art that can sometimes be just as lethal to the user as to the target. It utilizes the blood of the sorcerer's own body to manifest as a offensive or defensive tool. The technique can also be used to improve the users circulatory system to improve speed, strength, stamina, and can even prevent the user from bleeding out.

If a blood sorcerer was to mix his blood with the blood of a living thing or a curse they can bewitch the blood of the victim leading to limited puppet-like control or a gruesome death. Mastering blood sorcery requires infusing your body with large amounts of cursed energy to the point that a curse that consumed the user may find that to be the last mistake they ever make.

Y/N comes from a long line of blood sorcerers and was the only child of his parents, leaving him the sole heir of the L/N clan. His father, Isamu L/N, was a accomplished sorcerer and mentor to many of the current teachers while Y/N's mother was a foreigner who dealt with spirits from around the world.

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