Chapter Nine

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(Third Person POV)

Y/N looked at Mai with an inquisitive expression. While he had heard much about her through Maki he knew her relationship with her twin wasn't the best right now. Regardless, Y/N was more then willing to hear Mai out on whatever she had to say.

Y/N: "What would you like to talk about then?"

Mai: "Will you walk with me?"

He nodded as the two walked the grounds of the school.

Mai: "I hear your in a relationship with my sister."

Y/N: "I am, is this what this conversation is about?"

Mai: "Yes and no. I mostly wanted to meet the man everyone seems to be talking about. You have been making quite the impression on everyone, including me."

Y/N: "I'm glad to hear that. I've heard much about you from Maki and my cousin Noritoshi but I'm not one to judge people until I meet them myself."

Mai: "And what's you opinion so far?"

Y/N: "I have yet to make up my mind but let's start with a simple question if you do not mind. Why did you want to become a sorcerer?"

Mai: "To be honest I didn't want to, I still don't want to but the Zenin Clan forced me after Maki decided to become one."

Y/N: "You sound like you hold a degree of animosity towards her for that."

Mai: "Of course I do. She promised me when we where children that we'd stay by each other's side and now she left and thrusted me into a life I never wanted."

Y/N: "Your clan did that to you, Maki only wanted to spite to people who made you both miserable and the Zenins decided to unfairly take it out on you. You may not deserve this but Maki does not deserve scorn for taking a stand. You've known for far longer then I have so you should of seen her making a decision like this coming."

Mai: "I thought she would keep her word and stay with me instead of ending up lying years later. First Maki went back on her word and threw me into a world I have no place being then she..."

She hesitated not wanting to reveal more then she probably should. Thankfully Y/N was more then willing to stop her there since it was obvious this was a sensitive subject.

Y/N: "You don't have to continue if you don't want to. You're mad at Maki and I can see where your coming from but I fail to see what this has to do with my relationship with her. Your grievances with Maki are between you and her, I have no business in these kind of affairs. Besides, you may be caught in a difficult situation but I've been told some of your fellow students admire you for your work."

Mai: "Me?"

Y/N: "From what I've seen and heard despite everything that has been thrown at you, your still standing. That's says something about you behind the haughty attitude you seem to put up."

Mai: "I can't tell if you're trying to insult me or compliment me."

Y/N: "I'm saying you are so much more then your struggles and grudges. Your strike me as someone who puts up a front because you are scared."

Mai: "Of course I'm scared, we walk a fine line between life and death every time we go out on a mission."

Y/N: "You being scared is part of being a human. I and a few other sorcerers seem that lack the basic human function or it's dulled considerably. I will never judge you for being scared so long as you never abandon your comrades. You may be stuck here but you have good people watching your back, even Todo."

Mai: "He's easily the dumbest intelligent person I've ever met."

Y/N: "He has his charm. At first I thought I was going to loathe the the man but now I'd gladly fight by his side anytime."

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