Chapter Fourteen

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(Third Person POV)

Y/N is a man of many talents. He speaks multiple languages, has advanced knowledge of history, economics, science, and politics. He as a special grade sorcerer with astronomical potential and impressive martial prowess to boot.

But he absolutely sucks at playing baseball.

He had always enjoyed the sport from the stands or the VIP box seats his station brings him, Utahime played no small part in his love for the sport as well due to her passion for it. Y/N once said that the three best things Americans brought into this world was their mastery of junk food, Samuel L Jackson, and baseball.

If you handed Y/N a sword and told him to slice every weak point of his opponent he would do so with surgical precision but if you told him to hit a ball with a bat he'll somehow no matter how many times he tries. So when Yuji drew baseball as the next event Y/N internally screamed knowing he may not live down what could happen next.

On the other hand Y/N saw Gojo snickering knowing full well the situation he was putting him in. The new special grade was looking forward to the individual battles. He and Maki had agreed if they fight then there would be no weapons and sorcery on Y/N's part in favor of a straight hand to hand fight to see who's fist is better.

Such competition was what brought them together in the first place so duking it out the old fashioned way was part of their love language but Gojo decided going my routine is too boring and made Yuji draw from a box.

One day later he was the left outfielder because catching was the only thing he knew he would be of use in. Maki was pitching due to the face she had a cannon for an arm.

Momo made it to first base but got out from running when Miwa hit a fly ball, Noritoshi didn't even swing as he talked to Yuji, and Y/N was the first to bat for Tokyo.

He gave the bat a few practice swings telling himself if he can hold his ground against Sukuna then batting shouldn't be a problem for him.

The fact Mechamaru pitched a no hitter on him from a pitching machine was a humbling experience to say the least.

He took a deep breath and smiled as he walked off the plate but within his mind he was weaving a tapestry of curses that could of formed into a spirit had he wished. Some of his fellow students noticed he dented the metal bat in his hand out of frustration.

Maki would of hit a home run and score three for Tokyo but it turns out due to a lack of players one outfielder was allowed to use cursed techniques, unfortunately it had to be Momo who could use her broom to catch the ball mid air."

However that was nothing compared to what can only be described as attempted homicide by Maki when she sent a piss missile directly into Todo's face, dropping him like a ton of bricks.

Everyone praised Maki's pitch as Y/N took his hat off out of  respect for his fallen comrade. By the end of the game Tokyo won 2-0 giving Toyko the win once again in the goodwill event. By the end of the event the tension between the schools seemed to of eased, even Maki and Mai where not outwardly hostile towards each other since they broke the ice by Maki nearly breaking Todo's skull with a pitch.

After the event and departure of the Kyoto students, the Tokyo students where winding down in the lounge after a eventful few days. Everyone found a chair or a spot on the couch while Y/N laid his head on Maki's lap.

Nobara: "I'm curious what other events this school has. Do you guys have Christmas parties?"

Panda: "Traditionally yes but it feels like their cursed one way or another."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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