Chapter 7: The Wedding Planning

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Khushi and Arnav had just gotten engaged and were excited to start planning their wedding. They both had different ideas about what they wanted, and they knew that they would need to compromise to make it work.

The first thing on their agenda was to decide on a wedding venue. They spent hours scrolling through different options online, trying to find the perfect one. Khushi was drawn to a grand ballroom with chandeliers and marble floors, while Arnav preferred a more intimate garden setting.

They eventually decided on a compromise - a garden wedding with a grand reception in the ballroom. They wanted the best of both worlds and were determined to make it work.

Next, they needed to decide on a theme and colour scheme. Khushi was leaning towards a traditional red and gold theme, while Arnav suggested a more modern blue and silver colour palette. They both wanted to incorporate elements of both their personalities and cultures.

They spent days going back and forth, debating the merits of each option. They eventually agreed on a fusion theme that incorporated both traditional and modern elements, with a colour scheme of red, gold, and navy blue.

With the venue and theme decided, they moved on to the guest list. This proved to be a challenge, as both families wanted to invite everyone they knew. Khushi and Arnav knew that they needed to set some boundaries, but they didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

They eventually decided on a medium-sized wedding with close family and friends, plus some extended family and business associates. It was a delicate balance, but they knew it was the best option for them.

As the wedding planning continued, Khushi and Arnav found themselves growing closer than ever. They spent countless hours together, brainstorming ideas and making decisions. They were excited to start their new life together and couldn't wait for the big day.

One day, while they were taking a break from wedding planning, Khushi turned to Arnav and said, "I can't believe we're getting married."

Arnav smiled and took her hand. "Me neither," he said. "But I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else."

Khushi felt her heart swell with love. She knew that she had made the right choice in choosing Arnav, and she was excited to start their life together.

As the wedding day approached, Khushi and Arnav found themselves growing more and more nervous. They wanted everything to be perfect, but they also knew that there would be bumps in the road.

Despite the nerves and stress, they knew that they had each other to rely on. And as they continued to plan their wedding, they found themselves falling more in love with each passing day.

As the wedding planning continued, Khushi and Arnav found themselves facing new challenges. They had to make decisions about everything from the menu to the music, and they often found themselves at odds with each other.

One of the biggest challenges they faced was deciding on the wedding attire. Khushi had always dreamed of wearing a traditional red and gold lehenga, while Arnav preferred a more modern suit.

They went back and forth, trying to find a compromise. Finally, they decided to incorporate both styles into their wedding attire. Khushi wore a stunning red and gold lehenga for the ceremony, while Arnav wore a navy blue suit with gold accents.

With the attire sorted, they moved on to the menu. Khushi wanted a traditional Indian feast with all her favourite dishes, while Arnav preferred a more western-style menu with steak and potatoes.

They eventually decided on a fusion menu that combined Indian and western cuisine, with a variety of options for all the guests to choose from.

As the wedding day drew closer, Khushi and Arnav found themselves getting more and more nervous. They wanted everything to be perfect, but they also knew that there were no guarantees.

They both had moments of doubt, wondering if they were making the right choice in getting married. But they always came back to the love they shared and the life they wanted to build together.

One night, as they were sitting on the couch, Khushi turned to Arnav and said, "I'm so nervous about the wedding."

Arnav took her hand and smiled. "Me too," he said. "But I know that no matter what happens, we'll get through it together."

Khushi felt a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that she had chosen the right person to marry, and she was grateful for the support and love that Arnav showed her every day.

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