Chapter 56: Great Seductress

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(Sheea's POV)

Well, I don't mind taking the silver platter where the head is being offered to me voluntarily.

This guy... did he think that if he exposes his identity like that I'll stop hitting him or what?!

D*mn you... If he hadn't exposed himself like that, then he might have got two less hits.

But so what? Now I'm d*mn sure he's the reason behind the disappearance of my poor mates.

(A/N: Sheea is picturing Kyle and Jemin who appeared weak and vulnerable, being locked up inside a cave and tied down. And few leopards are guarding outside the cave and sometimes going in to torture her poor mates.)

I really really want to turn this guy into a meat ball. How dare he dodge my punch?

But as I raised my hands to give him a piece of my mind, I heard that voice.

"Sheea? What are you doing?"

Kyle? That's Kyle's voice, isn't it?

With that I turned my head, and I saw that Kyle and Jemin both of them were standing there... with a shocked expression.

My brain automatically ignored the Shans (I don't what their beast forms are) were also standing... in poorer... no in the poorest condition. With bruises all over... Whatever!

I hurriedly left the piece of meat... no The leopard leader and almost ran to my mates.

As suddenly I realized, my emotions were getting out of control again. It was quite dangerous a while ago. For a moment, the bloodthirsty maniac had woken up in me.

I shook my head a little to control myself as I increased my pace.

"Kyle? Jemin? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Did that stupid leopard's sidekicks do anything to you two? Did they hurt you anywhere?"

I searched everywhere in their body. But except for the evident mud on them, I didn't find anything.

Jemin took my hand in his palm, as he softly shook his head, "Don't worry. I'm absolutely fine."

"And you Kyle?" I turned to ask the wolf who was standing like a statue and glaring at a certain direction.

"Kyle, Sheea is asking something to you?.... Kyle?"

But the Shan named Kyle didn't answer back.

"Well, let's ignore him. He must be too shock to say a thing."

"Eh? Why?"

"He beat five fighters of the leopard leader all by himself," Jemin shrugged his shoulders as if a matter of fact but the pride in his voice couldn't be escaped...

Well, I was also feeling the pride... Just that it was on myself. I'm proud that the powers which had been successfully transferred to him not only healed him but also made him powerful. Bravo Sheea!

Your powers are rising with your age. Good jooooob!

I was still immersed in self praise when, I was suddenly pulled in a strong embrace and... got squeezed tightly.

Thankfully, I realized that musky scent of Kyle... or else God knows what would have happened to his arms. (Ahem)

The arms around my waist got tighter as his face nuzzled in my neck. Even though, he was taller than me, our arms fit perfectly around each other.

But why is he shaking? Oh! No! He must have got scared of his sudden power. Poor Kyle, I must comfort hi-

"Sheea, what were you doing earlier? Did you take fancy on the Leopard Leader? (Sniff) (sniff)"

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