Chapter 3

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The following afternoon, I trek into the jungle for the third day in a row; however, this time, the entire family is here, Taika included. The journey has become so routine that I can practically spot every landmark that guides our way – the bright red flowers near the river's edge, the fallen tree likely knocked over by the last lightning storm, the mess of broken vines torn by Magnuvian soldiers who wandered too far into the dense jungle, and so on.

Today's journey is about logistics. My mother is bringing us into the jungle to share more information about the plan, including our departure date. While in the past forty-eight hours I have grown to accept my fate in Esterpool, lingering bits of envy still pop up every now and again when I see the excited grin on Kiana's face, as best as I try to shove my emotions downward. However, since my conversation with Mama, I have kept my mouth shut. I know I no longer have a say in what will become of my mother's assassination plan, and I should make peace with the role I will play in Esterpool.

When we finally arrive to the hut in the late afternoon, I am exhausted. I quickly find a comfortable resting position on a pillow and allow my eyes to gently droop.

"Fetia, now is no time to rest," my mother snaps. "Sit up like the rest of us."

I quickly do as I am told and face the others. As I glance around at each of them, I think sadly that this will be one of the last times we are all together for a while. My mother's plan is still so fresh in mind that I have not even had time to begin mourning my final moments in Landiani for the foreseeable future.

"I have discussed it with Taika," my mother begins, sharing a quick glance with him beside her. "And though we initially intended to buy a little more time, we are quickly realizing that this plan must begin now, or else it may never succeed, what with the likelihood of Stephan taking a bride in the next year or two and colonization continuing in the north. Taika and I have made the arrangements. You two will leave in a week's time."

My mouth nearly drops to the floor. I had suspected that it would not be long until Kiana and I were sent off to Magnuvia, but I had not expected her to make the decision so hastily. I realize that means I will only have seven days left in my home country; seven more days of ocean sunsets, fresh fruit, and tropical sun. I turn to look at Kiana, expecting the same shock on her face, but she seems unfazed, as if she expected this outcome all along.

"What do we need to do prepare?" Kiana asks.

"Kiana, you will train here each day before your departure," my mother says. Her gaze turns to me. "And Fetia, Taika will give you proper Magnuvian etiquette training."

It's hard to mask my look of displeasure at the different tasks Kiana and I have been given, though when I think of how I won't be beaten into the rocky cave floor for the next week by my younger sister, suddenly etiquette training doesn't seem as disagreeable.

"You two should have a strong grip on the plan as well," Taika adds. "Though you will each have different missions, it would be wise to memorize both."

My mother nods in agreement. "We'll correspond through letters with pseudonyms, of course. Hopefully Taika and myself will be able to occasionally visit as well, although it may be easier with you, Fetia, since you're closer to the border. Of course, you two will also need to take on an alternative identity. Taika and I will help work out the logistics."

"How are we even getting to Magnuvia?" I wonder.

"By train. Arihi and Kiana will meet another ally in Magnuvia who will help transport Kiana to Magewell," Taika explains. "I will be taking you myself, Fetia. I am well-acquainted with the princess's current head maid, Alba Kaur. When I was a servant in Magewell, she worked alongside me. I have been in correspondence with her and have been able to convince her that you'll be a perfect addition to the princess's entourage."

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