Chapter 36

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I have woken up with Asteria in bed beside me countless times, but nothing compares to this particular morning. When I first wake, my heart sinks at the realization that I am in my bedroom. For the past few days, this has signaled to me that I wake alone. However, I become increasingly aware of the warmth of skin against my own. Asteria's head is buried into the crook of my neck. Her breaths tickle as she breathes out slowly. The covers fell slightly in the middle of the night, exposing her bare shoulders. I pull the sheets up slightly to cover her, and then, she begins to stir.

"Mm...Fe," she murmurs. Her body curls closer into me, and I wrap an arm around her. Heat rises to my cheeks when I see our nightgowns tangled in a pile on the floor, but I suppose there is nothing to be embarrassed about anymore.

I kiss Asteria's forehead. "Good morning." Her blue eyes make contact with mine, and I am once again filled with that warm, comforting feeling of love that overtook me in stride the evening before.

"Good morning," she says. She untangles herself from my limbs and stretches slightly. I keep my gaze directed elsewhere, even if all modesty is beyond us at this point. "Your bed is not quite as comfy as my own, I must admit. My back aches slightly."

I roll my eyes. "I wouldn't expect it to."

Asteria's hand reaches forward to cup my cheek. My lips naturally gravitate towards her, and we kiss deeply.

"I love you," Asteria says as she pulls away. Her face is slightly flushed as she says it. "I could not wait to say it again."

"I love you, too," I respond in earnest. Though I could stare at her for hours, my gaze turns to the window. Judging by the position of the sun, I am willing to bet we are already running behind schedule. I can only hope no one has knocked on the princess's door to inquire whether she would be down for breakfast.

"Let's bathe in my room," Asteria suggests.

"Are you sure?"

"I have no prior engagements this morning, correct? Let's spend some time together. It has felt like so long, after all," she says.

I nod. "Then, we will have to be stealthy. The guards will not have expected you to have spent the night here."

Asteria nods. I collect our nightgowns, and we both change once more. Glancing in the mirror, I frown at the marks Asteria has left on my neck. She sees my worry and wraps her arms around me from behind.

"I suppose I got a little carried away last night," she admits, giggling.

"The maid uniform should cover it," I answer. "Though perhaps cease all the biting next time."

"Next time?" Asteria asks playfully.

"Y-You know what I mean!" I stammer.

I come to find that next time does not come long after. The hallway remains empty when I open my door, and we quickly both flee into her bedroom. I am keenly aware in my mind how risky it was last night to have her stay with me, but both of us our so giddy with happiness that it is hard to think of anything else. Asteria draws a warmth bath for us, and though at first it starts out innocently with her fingers rubbing shampoo into my hair and me blowing bubbles towards her face, quickly we are embracing each other again and acting with the same fervent desire as the evening before.

Thankfully, we are undisturbed, and eventually, we find time to get dressed. Asteria calls down to the maids' quarters to ask if someone can deliver her breakfast. Thankfully, Maria obliges. I feel as if she can see right through me when she arrives a bit later with our meals, but she acts no differently and merely wishes us a good day. I eat with Asteria joyfully, my appetite having been worked up from the excitement of last night and this morning.

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