Chapter 42

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My feet carry me swiftly through the night. I keep turning my head, wondering when the guards will arrive, but either they do not dare enter the forest, or the storm is making it too difficult for them to pursue me. As I flee, I can hear lightning sizzling above my head, and my body jolts at the sound of thunder in the sky, but I keep running regardless.

In my sack, I reach for the map that my mother gave me. While it had no value for the plan, it will at least point me southward, although it is difficult to navigate in the storm. I slowly emerge from the forest, beginning to run out of Esterpool and onto the roads of Magnuvia. I keep to the side, where weeds and other plants sprout, hoping they will mask my footsteps more than the dirt road. I am thankful the night allows me some form of disguise. Out here, there are no trees to cover me. All I can do is run and hope for the best.

For some time, I do run, walking only when my lungs are screaming in pain for me to stop. The rain pours down heavily, soaking my hair and thin nightgown. My body grows cold despite the summer heat, but I persist anyway. At one point, I trip and fall into the ground, twisting my ankle. I clutch it to my body and grit my teeth in pain, and from then on, I can only do so much as limp. However, I do not give up.

My goal is to return to Landiani. Once I am back there, I can decide where to go, but I cannot bear to be in this country any longer.

I must be about two hours out from my escape when my body finally starts to give out. My body is shivering and my teeth are chattering wildly from the soggy nightgown clinging to my skin. My wrist still aches from my jump out the window. I can barely bear weight on my left ankle anymore. I sink into the ground, willing myself to move, but my body refuses. I let out a scream and begin to sob on the side of the road. I have made it this far. Surely I can make it to Landiani. Even now, I can make out masses of trees far in the distance that I know make up the Landiani Jungle.

And yet, my heart still mourns Asteria and all that I have lost.

Suddenly, lights flash down the road. I quickly scramble upright, noticing a motorcar in the distance. I look around, searching for a place to hide, but there is nothing more than a rock or shrub that will disguise me, and as soon as I stand, I will be noticed. Perhaps this is it after all. My escape may have been wishful, but it was clearly not possible. I lower my head and await my arrest as the car stops near me. The motor rumbles, but no one moves to open the door.

"Fetia?! Get in!" someone suddenly hisses.

I turn, seeing my mother seated in the driver's seat of the car. I look at her in shock. Though my body refused to move minutes ago, I am somehow able to quickly scramble up and climb into her car. We linger for no more than a few seconds before she begins speeding down the road again. I turn behind me, seeing Kiana sprawled out across the seat in the back, clutching her arm to her body.

"Hi, Fetia," Kiana says quietly, wincing slighty in pain.

"Mama?! Kiana?! I thought that you were arrested!" I exclaim.

"Do not doubt us," my mother scolds. "We always considered the plan would not succeed. I had Taika keep a motorcar nearby just in case."

"But, Mama?! When did you learn to drive?!" I exclaim.

"While you two were gone," she says simply.

"What's wrong with your arm, Kiana?" I ask.

"Broken, no doubt," my mother says. My mother appears to be in the perfect shape of health, just as I expected. She sneaks a quick glance at me before continuing to eye the road. "And you? What sort of shape are you in, Fetia?"

"I'm sure my wrist and ankle are sprained," I say. "But other than that, nothing but cuts and bruises."

I am so shocked to be back with them, conversing as normal, that I almost forget everything that transpired. Now, safe in the car, potentially free from the pursuit of Magnuvian soldiers, I turn to look at my mother and Kiana.

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