Chapter 22

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For the next few weeks, life carries on smoothly as I take on my duties of head maid in Esterpool. The first few days are a struggle as I acquaint myself with the more complex duties Alba once took on and also continue to heal from my injuries. Alba is as nitpicky as ever of my work, despite having no more authority over me, but Asteria is kind and patient, helping me to understand my new duties as often as she can.

I spend my days serving the princess and keeping everything in order at the estate, and I spend my evenings writing letters to my mother, none of which are as shocking or intricate as the information I am sure Kiana is sharing with her. However, after our last encounter, I can no longer afford to avoid writing. Though Mama's tone in the letters she sends me often conveys a sense of displeasure, I can tell she is at least satisfied that I am making some progress.

For the first time since arriving to Esterpool, I feel at peace. No longer am I living in the maids' quarters where I am subject to the mocking and violence from the other maids, nor do I have to deal with Alba's stern and controlling attitude. Rather, I spend my days with the princess, going on walks almost daily and enjoying casual conversation, as if she were a friend of my own. Though I would hate to admit it to my mother or sister, I feel more safe and comfortable in Esterpool right now than in my home country, where the threat of violence from the Magnuvians was a daily struggle.

I wake on a new day and immediately go to dress the princess, as has become custom at this point. Asteria is already awake, making my job easier, and afterwards, we share a brief breakfast downstairs before departing. Asteria is off to have a meeting with her royal guards to interview some new personnel. I, meanwhile, go off and perform various duties around the estate, occasionally crossing paths with some of the other maids. We are polite and courteous to each other, but I know they must speak badly about me back at their living quarters. Maria has confirmed it herself.

"Good morning, Fe," Maria says. I am on the top floor of the estate when we cross paths. She is carrying a heavy laundry basket.

"Good morning," I respond. "Doing laundry today?"

Maria nods. "I'm on my way to the princess's chambers to put some away. Are you going that way too?"

I shake my head. "No. I'm off to get something to eat."

"We should eat a meal together soon," Maria says as she walks past me. "How about in a few days?"

I nod in agreement. Though occasionally we spend some time together, it has been rare for the two of us to sit down and chat over a meal since I have become head maid, even though I promised her it would be a regular occurrence.

"I look forward to it," I say.

As she walks past me, a guard stops Maria in the hallway. "A letter for the princess. You said you were on your way to her chambers, right?"

Maria nods. "Just set it on top of the basket. I'll be sure she gets it."

I wave to Maria as we depart and head toward the kitchen for my mid-day meal. I eat slowly, now having more time to savor my meals during the day. Though head maid comes with more responsibilities, I also have more free time in the day compared to when I was a regular maid, and, most days, have no idea how to fill it. Usually I spend my extra hours in the company of the princess, which my mother would be pleased to know, but I oftentimes wonder if I am bothering Asteria by keeping her company so often. I keep looking for other activities to partake in, but life at the estate is rather boring, as Asteria has said herself.

It is already the early afternoon when I finish my meal and wrap up a few more chores. I wonder if Asteria will be upset that I am delayed in coming to escort her on her walk. I feel a growing excitement in me as I unlock the door to her room, wondering what it is we will talk about today, and whether any of it will be important enough to disclose to my mother in the form of a letter. I have already set aside time this evening to write to my mother about whatever fruitful conversation comes up during my walk with Asteria today.

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