Chapter 24

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I think it is strange that I wake to chirping birds in the morning. Normally, I am up shortly before they begin to share their sweet morning birdsongs. As my body stirs, I grow increasingly aware of the hand draped around my back and the soft breaths of another tickling my nose. My eyelids flutter open slowly, expecting to find myself in my bedroom, but instead, I share the bed of another.


How could I have forgotten, I wonder to myself. Princess Asteria still sleeps deeply; the peaceful look on her face conveys to me how content she is. I hesitate for a moment, then extend my hand out. My fingers find the ends of her hair, and I stroke slowly. Though I have touched her hair more times than I can count in the process of dressing her, this is much more intimate. Finally, I can run my fingers through her hair out of my affection for her, rather than my duty.

As Asteria continues to slumber, the events of the following evening play back in my mind; how I ran to Asteria's chambers after receiving her letter, how we kissed seated on her windowsill while the crickets chirped below us. In between our kisses, we spoke briefly, laughed some, and cried together, and when we grew tired, I fell asleep in Asteria's arms in her bed once more, excited for what the next day would bring.

Staring at the princess, I realize with a shock how unbelievably happy I am. I know there should be a million thoughts running through my head. I know I should be chastising myself, trying to remind myself what is important, but I am tired of feeling guilty. Last night, I finally reached out toward what I truly wanted, and I feel much more peaceful today as a result.

Unable to lay in silence by myself any longer, I lean forward and press a kiss to Asteria's cheek. Her face twitches, and she slowly begins to wake. Her eyes open slowly, once again inviting me to see her pale blue eyes.

"Good morning," I say quietly.

"Good morning," Asteria replies groggily, though she still has the sweetest smile on her face.

Unable to control myself, I lean forward to kiss her. Her lips eagerly meet my own, and we enjoy a soft, gentle kiss to match the energy of our peaceful morning.

"Sorry. I could not wait to kiss you again," I say.

Asteria chuckles. "Nor could I." Her head rests back down into the pillow, and her eyelids slowly close again.

"You know I will need to dress you soon," I say.

"But can't we just lie here forever?" she asks, pulling me closer to her. "I do not want this moment to end yet, Fe. I am so happy right now."

I smile against her. "As am I."

Asteria hums contentedly, and I rest my head against her chest, finding myself soothed by her heartbeat. I shut my eyes, too, savoring in the peaceful moments of the morning and trying to ignore my outstanding duties. Asteria's fingers being to thread through my hair, and I sigh contently. I admit that I, too, do not want this moment to end either.

"Asteria," I murmur quietly.


I pause before the next words leave my lips. "How did you know that I you?"

"Attracted to women?" Asteria asks so bluntly that I nearly squeak.

"Yes," I respond.

She turns her head to look at me. "I suppose it was just intuition. You never shied from my touches, and you seemed more than happy to receive my affection. Have you truly never thought about this before, Fe?"

My cheeks burn in embarrassment. "N-No. Like I told you, I never had much time for romance growing up."

"But surely you must have thought about who you were attracted to?" Asteria asks.

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