Chapter 7

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I stir in the morning when I hear Maria shifting in bed beneath me. Judging by the pale cast of light entering through the window, it must still be early. I sit up groggily and glance down at Maria, who is making her bed below me.

"Good morning, Fe!" she says with a smile, noticing my waking. "Did you sleep well?"

My back aches terribly, and I spent a majority of the night tossing and turning as I thought about what the probationary period would mean for the success of my mission. I open my mouth, ready to claim I slept well, but the bed is creaky. Maria must have heard me rolling around in the night.

"I slept fairly poorly. Still getting used to the new bed," I admit.

"Understandable," Maria responds. "I miss my old bed in Okchester every now and again."

I begin to descend down the ladder of my bunkbed. "Okchester? Is that where you're from?" I ask.

Maria nods. "Have you ever been?"

"Afraid not," I respond. "I served in Magewell for a while."

Maria's eyes light up. "Magewell?! Oh, I've always wanted to visit! What was it like? Did you have any close contact with the other members of the royal family?"

I falter in my response for a moment, not expecting an influx of questions so soon after waking. "I served a wealthy family there," I explain. "Magewell was...big and busy." I try to think back to the stories Taika used to tell from serving there, but it is too early for me to form a coherent thought. Thankfully, Maria doesn't pry any further.

"No wonder you were chosen to serve the princess, then!" she exclaims. I watch her retrieve a stack of clothes from the top of the dresser. "I'm off to bathe. Alba wants us to both go help the cooks clean up this morning's breakfast after the princess has eaten. You should go get something to eat. I think Josie already ordered breakfast to be delivered."

I nod and thank her. When Maria leaves, I get dressed for the day. The uniform is still not to my liking, and I itch aggressively at the fabric digging into my skin, but I at least have dressed myself more quickly than the day prior. However, I spend the extra time finagling with my hair as I struggle to twist it into a bun due to its long length.

I briefly glance at myself in the mirror, no longer recognizing the young woman from Landiani I was only a few days ago. If it weren't for my Landiani features, I would easily pass as a Magnuvian maid. I glance at myself with fierce determination. Starting today, I will give it my all. I need to pass the probationary period as quickly as possible if this mission is to succeed.

True to Maria's word, there is a spread of pastries in the kitchen for the maids to enjoy. Josie and Zofia are both absent, most likely already attending to their chores to the day, which leaves Arabelle, who sits quietly at the table and nibbles on a pastry. She glances at me briefly as I enter.

"Good morning," I say.

"Good morning," she responds quietly.

I eye over the breakfast options until eventually I settle on a berry tart. Arabelle keeps quiet, although I notice her pace of eating has sped up. Nevertheless, I take a seat across from her and begin cutting into my breakfast. I take a bite of the fruit tart, admiring its sweet and sour flavor. Perhaps it is not as exquisite as what the princess is served, but it is still not a bad breakfast option.

"What are your duties today?" I ask Arabelle.

"Laundry," she replies simply.

I nod. "I believe Maria and I are helping clean up breakfast this morning."

"That'll be good."

I take a few more bites of my pastry, watching Arabelle quickly devour the rest of her breakfast. Before she can finish her last few bites, I interrupt.

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