Chapter 6

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A shiver runs through me as I stir in the morning. I hug the soft bedsheets close to my body, savoring their warmth. The chill alone is enough to remind me that I am no longer home. I have left the warm, humid country of Landiani behind for a much chillier Esterpool.

I rise from bed and pull the curtains from the window, allowing sunlight to stream through. The window affords a pleasant view of Esterpool. A fine mist has settled over the green hills as the morning sun rises. It is hauntingly beautiful, but I already feel a pang of homesickness inside me. While I may have slept peacefully, I do not look forward ot the day ahead.

One of the chefs delivers a plate of hot breakfast to my bedroom shortly after I wake. I pick at it its contents, not very satisfied with the flavor, though I suppose my meager appetite does not help its case. I suppose learning to enjoy Magnuvian food will be one of the hardest adjustments during my time in Esterpool.

I exit my bedroom and run a bath for myself. It is yet another new experience for me, being able to bathe so easily here. Normally, I am used to fetching water from the well back in Landiani and heating it, but hot water pours out of the faucet with ease here. Once filled, I sink into the bathtub slowly and let out a sigh of content. I take the time to wash all the grime and dirt that I acquired from the long journey here. I find it ironic how mournful I am when I watch the dirt dissolve in the bathwater. While hikes through the Landiani Jungle were never my favorite, I am slowly losing everything that once tied me to my homeland.

After drying my body, I stare disappointedly at the outfit in front of me. It is just as Taika described; a long dark gown that covers my arms and legs almost entirely. I finagle awkwardly with it at first, praying I won't need to ask for Alba's assistance when she comes to retrieve me. I am supposed to be Fe, a former maid from Magewell. I cannot afford to reveal my weaknesses this early into my mission. Thankfully, I figure out how to successfully tie the white ribbons and apron, and after I pin my hair back, I am able to successfully situate the bonnet on my head as well.

I return back to my bedroom to stare at myself in the mirror. It appears Taika's lessons did pay off. I look like a proper maid. Although, as I turn my body, I begrudgingly pull at the sleeves and tuck a few stray strands of hair back into my bun. I'm not used to wearing such tight, restrictive clothing, and I've rarely not kept my hair down. It'll be an adjustment, for sure.

A knock at my door causes me to jolt.

"C-Come in," I stammer.

The door creaks quietly, revealing Alba at the doorway. "Good to see you awake and ready for the day, Fe. Have you had something to eat?" she asks.

I turn around to face her, hoping she can't sense my discomfort. I may look like a maid, but I certainly do not feel like one, and I am even more nervous about playing the part than keeping up the appearance.

"Yes. The cooks brought by something this morning," I explain.

"Good. Are all your belongings gathered? I'll take you to the maid quarters so you can receive proper introductions from the other young ladies. Your room is finally prepared, so you may set your things down there."

I reach for my leather pack seated beside my bed. "I'm ready," I tell her.

"Then follow me," Alba instructs.

I nervously walk beside her. We head back down the same hallway we walked the day before, except this time, we continue walking west, past the main entrance to the estate. I try not to linger like yesterday, though the portraits of the royal family on the walls and the various vases of blooming flowers gather my attention at every second. At one point, we pass by a window that outlooks onto a sprawling garden. I'm only able to sneak a quick glance; Alba walks too quickly for me to get a proper view. Finally, Alba opens a side door leading to the outside. A rush of cold air hits my body. Though springtime, the morning air is still rather chilly in Esterpool. I suddenly wonder how Lagi will survive the treacherous winter temperatures in the Kilneu mountains if the early morning air of Esterpool is enough to make me crave the warm beaches of Tetoa again.

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