Chapter 29

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"Are you sure you have everything?" Alba asks the next morning. Though her gaze is directed at both of us, I know it is clearly Asteria who she is addressing. We are standing outside on the station platform, waiting for a train to take us to Okchester, where will we spend the night before taking another train to Magewell the following morning. Two of Asteria's guards will be accompanying us on the trip, smashing my hopes of getting any privacy with the princess.

"Yes, Alba. I checked my luggage three times before departing this morning," Asteria assures her. "Even if I forgot to bring something, I am sure it will be provided in Magewell. Many of my old belongings are still there, after all."

"Yes, of course," Alba murmurs.

I chuckles slightly. I think it is semi-admirable how she is worrying over Asteria like a doting mother. However, when Alba's gaze turns to me, I quickly cease my giggling.

"Fe," Alba says. "You will keep a good watch over the princess, correct?"

"You can count on me," I respond, remembering our previous discussion.

"Then, have a safe trip," Alba says. She embraces Asteria, and I awkwardly stand to the side. A thought occurs to me – when was the last time my mother hugged me? I still remember Taika's firm arms as he said good-bye to me yesterday, and I have memorized the feeling of Asteria's warm embrace by now, but I do not think my mother has hugged me since my arrival to Esterpool.

My thoughts are disrupted my vibrations underneath my feet. I glance up, seeing the train in the distance. Steam roars from its engine, and a loud whistle echoes through the air.

"The conductor will escort you to the private car in the back of the train," Alba says.

"Thank you, Alba. We'll see you soon," Asteria responds.

Alba nods, and though I can sense by her hesitation she wants to see us into the train itself, I watch her slowly begin to depart from the station. Now, Asteria and I are alone, ready to face Magewell together.

Once the train comes to a stop, the conductor, an older man with graying hair and thick glasses, meets with us before the other passengers. He steps down from the train and removes his cap before bowing to Asteria.

"Princess! It is a pleasure to have you on my train today. Please allow me to escort you to your seat," he says.

"Thank you," Asteria says.

We follow him into the train, heading back toward the last car. It is a smaller space than the rest of the train, yet the seats are more spacious, allowing room for Asteria, myself, and the guards to spread out.

"Let me know if you will need anything else before we begin our journey," the conductor says.

"I believe that will be all, thank you," Asteria responds.

I sit across from Asteria and stare out the window as the passengers begin to board the train.

"How long of a journey will this be?" I ask Asteria.

"A few hours at most," she responds. She leans her head against her hand and stares out at the window, looking towards the rolling hills of Esterpool. "On the one hand, I am glad we will have time to relax before our journey to Magewell, but on the other, I wish the train could take us immediately there."

The thought irks me as well. Magnuvia has been depleting magic for nearly a century from its surrounding countries, but they still do not have a direct train from Esterpool to Magewell? Instead, we must take a train to Okchester, one of the smaller Magnuvian cities, and catch the next morning's train to Magewell.

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