A place to stay is what i need!

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What are the quests tho? I thought with a finger tapping my chin.

Does Owner wish to look at the Quests 'Yes or No'

Now you answer me so troublesome.I thought,

"Yes I would like to see them"I said,

A hologram appeared in front of me with four quests

System Quest list

1) Make it rain Money!
Sell sweets freshly made by you!
(Rewards ???)
(Time) 7 days

2) A place to Stay is what you need!
Find a place to call home!
(Time) 7 days

3) You glutton!
Eat Four homemade Sweets!
( Time) 7 days

4) let the dirt be gone!
Clean yourself up!

Brush teeth (0/1)

Take a warm bath (0/1)

(Buy clothes) (0/3)

Do your hair (0/1)

(Time) 7 Days

System note
These are the beginner quest system Owner must finish them this week! Chop chop!

"Surprised these aren't to bad! Beginner makes sense they are pretty easy to do besides the first one!" I said surprised.

And I'm just gonna not reply to that system note!

Let's do quest Place to stay is what I need
Cause it's literally what I need right now how much money do I have? 100$ that's not gonna be enough at all I might be able to rent a place and pay it after the month is over? Yea let's do that I don't have a choice.I thought,

I walked into the hokage building after getting directions on where i could rent a place to stay

I saw a older lady at the desk talking to the people in line

I didn't know the hokage building does rentals
I thought while observing my surroundings

I waited in line patiently when I heard
Next please!

I walked up to the desk and looked at the older lady

"How can I help you today?"She asked.

"I am looking to rent a place"I said to her politely.

"Ok Name please"She said,

"Arie" I answered her,

"Last name?"She asked while writing down on a piece of paper,

Hm? What is my last name I don't recall
.I thought,

"Just Arie"I said

"Oh ok let me see here one moment"She said while walking away

After a couple of minutes she came back annoyed with a disgusted look at me

"Arie Uchiha i advise you think this over if you don't make the payment again our ninjas will hunt you down as this will be the second warning "She said annoyed,

"Uchiha?" I asked,

"I heard you were dumb and useless and lazy and they kicked you out because you were too weak and lazy honestly i wish they killed you too"She said,

"A useless trash should be taken out"She said glaring at her,

A UCHIHA?!?!? God really does hate me! So that's what happened to the originals body at least I know now how can I change it around so people view me as normal? Hm I'll think about this later first and foremost I need to deal with her.I thought,

"I'm prepared to make the payment at the end of the month"I said to her

"Whatever this is your second warning and there won't be a third let me get someone to guide you to look at apartments and to do the paper work"She said with a grumble

—-time skip after purchase—-

After a lot of insults from the guy I finally finished my purchase of a apartment while ignoring every insult possible I am used to it after it being the Centre of attention in my last life I learned to ignore insults

I watched as he walked away

*sigh* a uchiha why couldn't I be normal a civilian birth would be nice oh well let's just keep moving forward.

I was walking around in my new apartment it was small and old there was the kitchen and living in one room and then the bathroom and my room connected

"It's very small but it will do hopefully"I said

Transferring reward to system owner

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