The crazys

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I opened my eyes from the loud noise around me as i opened my eyes laying on the couch the first thing I saw was Hikaru chasing around kaoru with a knife in his hand all serious while Kaoru was waving his hands in the air laughing "shouting you will never catch me!"While Hikaru just continued to chase him.

I looked at this scene and turned around on the couch and close my eyes and fell back to sleep.

Well that is what I wish I did but no I *sighed and got up and "yawned"

"You guys what are you up too"I asked them while rubbing one of my eyes.

"Me and Hikaru are playing"said Kaoru while running and laughing.

"I'm gonna kill him"Hikaru said chasing him.

"Why don't you guys calm down it's to early where is Aoi and Sora?"I asked them.

"Oh they are still sleeping"Kaoru said while still running from Hikaru.

"Hikaru put down the knife don't kill your brother" I said sternly.

"Yes mother "Hikaru said while coming to a stop in his movement.

"Aw but we were playing. Oh well I really wanna fight someone"said kaoru.

"Kaoru,go get washed up afterwards Hikaru you can go in next after his turn is over" I said to the twins.

"I wonder if I can kill the water in my bath"Hikaru whispered to himself.

After kaoru left I got up and made some breakfast bacon and eggs I asked Hikaru to help me which he did without any complaints.

I asked Hikaru to prepare the table while I went in to wake the girls.

He said of course mother.

I walked into my bedroom and found them sleeping while snuggling each other

So Cute.I thought,

"Hey Sora,Aoi time to wake up"I said in a gentle voice

"Mommy I don't wanna get up"Aoi said while snuggling deeper into Sora.

"Breakfast is ready for you"I said smiling.

"I'm not done getting samples in my dream a couple more minutes"said sora in her tired voice.

"Now now time to get up we are going to be doing some quest today so we can get a bigger house for use with your own rooms"I tried to encourage them.

"I wanna stay with Sora."Aoi said while struggling to sit up with her eyes closed half asleep.

"Ok we will see"I said.

"I'll meet you guys out in the kitchen" I told them.

I walked out back into the kitchen I saw the table was prepared but there was no forks or spoons just knives two knives sat at each plate.

"Um Hikaru?Why is there so many knifes?"I asked him.

"For sneak attacks."Hikaru said in a serious voice.

"Haha"I laughed nervously
While gathering the forks and placing them at the table.

Kaoru walked out of the bathroom and sat down.

Aoi and Sora both walked out of their rooms and sat down.

All in all it was a peaceful dinner would be what I would say if my kids were normal!!
But sadly they are all unique..

I watched as Hikaru was stabbing his bacon with a knife and his eggs.I looked over at Aoi who was trying to make a explosion Art witch impressed me then I looked at koaru who was trying to play with food making them fight to the death.

I then looked at Sora genuinely curious at what she would do and I almost deadpanned at this scene she used a Needle and sucked up all the egg then put it in her pocket then tryed to perfectly cut up her bacon in squares.

I'm living with psychos.I thought while looking back at my plate.

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