Where did these kids come from?

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Groan* I turned over and layed on something soft and small.

What is this.I thought,

"Mom is waking up!!Shhhh"Said a little girls voice.

Huh? Did I just hear a kids voice? No way I'm in my apartment. I thought,

I slowly opened my eyes and they almost popped out.What I was laying my head on was a little girl with long pink hair and scary lifeless red eyes.

"I uh sorry but who might you be"? I asked sitting up to get a better look to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Yup there is 8 year old looking back at me! I thought,

Then I heard a voice behind me this one was another girls voice

"Don't scare mother she doesn't know us yet"The girl Said in a plain depressed voice.

I looked over at her this one had long white hair and a light blue eyes she also looked 8.

"Ok ok what is going on right now!!!! I almost yelled.

"Hey is mom awake now I wanna show her how fun it is to fight people!" A little energetic boy said.

I looked over and saw two little blonde boys with red eyes one had their hair to their shoulders while the other was short both 8.

Twins? But why is there four kids in my Place and why are they calling me mom!! I thought panicking.

"No I want her to help me get some blood samples from people.."The little girl with white hair and depressed voice said.

"No fair I wanna play with mother too!!" The other pink haired girl said crossing her arms.

"Quiet down your making mom anxious or I'll kill you"The other blonde boy with long hair to his shoulders said with a fierce expression.

"So you wanna fight! Yippee let's fight!!! I can't wait!!" Said the other blonde energetic boy with short hair.

"Please quiet down"I asked while putting my hand to my head starting to get a headache.

"First who are you four?! And why are you in my room?!"I asked almost yelled.

"We are your kids"the pink haired girl said
"God granted us to you"She continued"We have been watching you on your journey so far and it seems so fun!! I can't wait to blow stuff up KABOOM!"She said making sound affects.

"Ok wait what!" I said almost yelling.

"Mom what are you gonna name us "Said the Depressed white hair girl.

"Ok this is a lot to process.."I thought

"Why don't you guys go to the living room I'll think of somthing while I get ready for the day."I said to them.

"YaY mom is gonna name us!"Said the pink hair girl.

"To loud I wanna kill you"Said the blonde shoulder hair boy to the pink haired girl.

"Hey don't play without me! Let's fight!"Said the other blonde twin.

"I wonder if I can get away with getting samples of blood if I just stick it in their arm and run away."Said the depressed sounding white haired girl.

After they all left to the living room I started to freak out.

Ok what the hell happened recap please.I thought,

"I got four kids overnight from that God? I'm only 23! I'm to young for four kids! And why are they so obsessed with violence and blowing stuff up and blood?"I said mentally freaked out.

I started pacing in my room with my hands on my head trying to calm down.

I just wanna be normal is that so hard to ask how I have four kids who all have screws lose.

I could put them in a home but I really don't wanna abandon them especially sense apparently I'm their mom..

*sigh I gotta sit down

What should I do.. is this why the system has given me so much money for this? I was now questioning the whole system.

I also have to name them...

After 30 minutes of sitting on my bed in my bear onesie I decided.

I guess I need a bigger house then.

I'm gonna prove this god wrong you better watch out cause we are gonna be the most normal family you won't even see us coming!!


I hope at least.....


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Kaoru and Hikaru both males

Hikaru likes violence and threaten to kill people.He is cold to strangers,
He is obsessed with his mother and brother,Wants to be the best son possible for her,
He gets mistaken for a girl sometimes,(shoulder length hair)

Kaoru is obsessed with fighting and winning,Wants to protect them by being the strongest (short blonde hair)


Aoi and sora

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Aoi and sora

Aoi has long pink hair one of her eyes is red while the other is black they are lifeless eyes and they tend to scare people,
She loves to blow stuff up and set things ablaze,

Sora loves science stuff and to experiment she knows her boundaries and only takes sample blood from people by sneak attacking them or just shoving the needle in them whenever she sees fit,
She has a tired depressed voice and tends to just evily laugh at random when she thinks of somthing

Madara is the love interest

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