How Not youthful

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"Calm down"let's discuss this later I told the overly excited kids.

"Ok mom!" Kaoru said smiling ear to ear.

We finished eating I payed,then we set off to the streets I wanted to show them around as I was showing them stuff I noticed Sora walk up to someone passed out in the road people were just ignoring them I couldn't make out who it was cause we were still pretty far all I saw was the color green.Sora walked ahead of me and went to the green blob far away in the road as I was coming nearer I instantly recognized who it was.

"oh hell no!" I said in a whisper surprised

"Youth..." the guy said repeatedly while laying on the ground motionless from overworking himself in training.

Sora walked over to him and poked him...he slowly moved his head so he can see what touched him to his surprise a long white haired girl with board eyes stared back at him no older then 8...

While watching this interaction I had a flashback to Sora words-


Hey mom I need more blood samples sora said while looking up at her mother.

"Blood samples?" I asked hesitant.

————end of flashback———

"She wouldn't do that would she?"I asked to no one when but my legs didn't agree and I sprinted to her when I noticed she put her hand in her pocket

As I was running to her she took out three needle's between her fingers and just stabbed it in him but guy swiftly avoided it by rolling over

I noticed Sora just continued to try to stab him with it and just he kept avoiding it while still laying on the ground.

"Hold on youthful person" guy said trying to catch his breath

I just stopped running and stood there watching this scene unfold

"Wait we can talk about this" guy said struggling to continue dodging the needles after his longer and harder training today while rolling on the ground.

I swear I saw Sora having a tick mark on her head from constantly missing..

"Sora put down the needle and come here" I said with a sigh.

I saw her look up at me and then slowly put the needles back into her pocket guy took a breath of relief and he started to relax only to feel a slight pinch on his legs.

Sora threw the needle and got him in the leg she couldn't help but smirk in victory while Guy was just mumbling how not youthful...

Note to self never let Sora out without supervision I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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