Taste test

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The last quest I wonder what will be the reward this time!!

Let's make more macarons!

—-day 4—-
*yawn I woke up
I spent all day making macarons yesterday let's hopefully try to sell some today.

I got up and did my morning routine after I finished putting my braid in my hair I washed my hands and went to the kitchen and put three macarons in a small bag and did it until there was 10 small bags with three macarons in each I put them all in a basket.

And walked out of the house.

I went to the busy street of konoha and found a empty stall and sat the macaron bags there.

I saw a couple of curious looks and a couple of disgusted looks from people who recognized me. I was sitting there for awhile when I heard footprints and then silent.

I looked up and I immediately recognized the person it was the same group of guys I saw when I first woke up the ones who were kicking me.

I was nervous but hid it well.

"Good morning would you like to try my new macarons" I said in a friendly manner,

"Like hell I would they probably taste like dog poop and who knows it's probably gonna be poisonous"He said in a snicker,

"I assure you they are not poisonous and they are freshly made"I said calmed,

"Hah don't make me laugh you can't make anything with that dumb brain of yours oh wait you don't even have a brain!"Hahah"He laughed with his group of four,

"If you don't plain on buying please leave"I said closed eye smile,

"Let's make a bet then if your food taste good or not!"He said annoyed

That interested me.

"What is the bet?"I asked while sitting back in my chair.

"We will ask a random person to taste test if it's bad you will have to leave this village and never come back!"He said,

"And what if I win?"I asked still as calm as can be.

"Haha the 1% chance you win I'll do whatever you want" He said with a evil smile that stretched across his face.

"Ok how about this then each of you four will owe me 1000$ sounds fair" I asked with a closed eye smile.

"Deal!"He said with a evil smirk.

"Ok let's find someone then"I said.

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