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I walked out into the living room still in thought about what quest I should do first.when a realization suddenly came to my mind..

"that's it!!" I suddenly yelled which started the four kids that was currently in a argument on the floor.

"What's it?" Aoi asked while titling her head confused.

"How I get a better reputation! I can finish two quest at the same time!" I said with excitement.

"I'm going out for a-bit stay here and be good" I said to them while heading to the door to leave.

"Wait mom can I go?" Sora asked while looking at her.

"Sure but you have to stay close to me. Hikaru kaoru and Aoi did you guys wanna come with me too?" I asked to them already thinking this is a terrible idea.

"Yess!" Aoi yelled excitedly.

"I wanna hold mothers Hand to make sure no one can sneak attack you." Hikaru said.

"I wanna battle someone! So I'll come too!" Kaoru said jumping around.

"Come on then let's go" I said to them smiling.


We were walking around in konoha I was holding Hikaru hand and karou hand because karou wouldn't stop asking people to fight him so I had to keep him close to me. As we were walking I noticed the Ramen shop and decided to bring them there for some food

"Are you guys hungry?"I asked

"They all besides Hikaru "who just nodded said yes!

I reached the ramen place and entered we all sat down in chairs Hikaru was beside me cause I don't want him to stab anyone while Aoi was beside Hikaru and on the other side of me I had Sora and karou

Teuchi the guys who owns ichiraku said welcome again what would you like? And who might these four be? He said in a friendly smile.

"I'm Aoi!" Aoi said with a beaming smile.

Teuchi flinched at Aoi eyes the lifeless eyes that stared at him but he wasn't the type to judge a book by its cover so he ignored those useless thoughts that were afraid of her eyes..

"These are my..... k-kids" I said paused for a second about the situation but I've come to accept it and I could love them as my children even tho they are unique I still feel the need to care for them.

"Oh nice to meet you what would you guys like?" Teuchi asked giving a closed eye smile

"A miso ramen for me"I said

I looked down at the kids and saw confusion written all over their faces I could only giggle a little and say

"Five miso ramen's please." I said in a gentle voice

"Coming up!" Teuchi said

As our food came we enjoyed it

Well that was until I looked over and saw a anbu fighting someone on the street Aoi has sparkles in her eyes same as kaoru

"I wanna fight too!"Karou said about to get up and run out.

"Who is that?" Aoi asked

"A Anbu he is one of konoha ninja" Teuchi said smiling.

"I wanna be a ninja too!!"Aoi yelled her fist pumped up.

"Same I wanna be a ninja if I can fight a lot!!!"Karou said excitedly.

My nightmares were only just starting at this moment

Overpowered Mom in Konoha Where stories live. Discover now