Mission Gone Wrong and Debut

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A group of goblins are patrolling the area when suddenly one of them are taken out by a flaming hammer. They look up and see a lone titan running at them with a sword. Soon they were all dead. The last thing they did was call for reinforcements. As the titan continues to walk his ghost speaks to him.

Ingot: Why do you think the fucking Vex are here mate?
(Ingot is a ghost with a male Australian accent and foul mouth.)
Jaune: Don't know, don't care. They just need to die one way or another.
Ingot: Ahh come on mate, you're more tight-lipped than the prime minista when he's in hot water.
Jaune: You know my past, the answers are there.
Ingot: Yeah, Yeah, wait, I'm gettin a transmission from old bird-man.
Jaune: Patch it through, you do the talking.
Osiris: Guardian, a large group of Vex are heading your way.
Ingot: G'day to ya too gramps.
Osiris: Just be alert!
Ingot: Okay, okay go play with Saint or something, Christ.

They continue patrolling until a group of twenty Hydra suddenly appear and attack at the same time. Slowly overwhelming Jaune, but he has an idea. Use fists of havoc as they are all grouped together. He does this, but something goes wrong as all of a sudden there is flash. When opens his eyes he sees he is floating in space.

Jaune: Ingot, you there?
Ingot: Yeah, transmatting ship.
Jaune: Thanks

The ship materializes and Jaune goes in.
Jaune: Ingot, I want to know where we are, any problems and send out a signal.
Ingot: *his shell spins a bit and beeps can be heard soon it stops* Ahh piss, Good news the ship, your sparrow and Glimmer are all good.
Jaune: Bad news?
Ingot: Ya might wanna look out the window.

Jaune looks out the window and sees a broken moon.

You lied to us!, I knew you were pathetic Arc, Stay away from me and my sister!, Just stay away from me, you are disowned.

*Now angry he punches a punching bag he keeps for cases like this.*
Jaune: Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why am I here? Back at this pisshole, backwater ball of dirt!
Ingot: This that place you hate? Not surprised.
Jaune: Yeah, they have a heavy reliance on a resource called Dust which doesn't work outside the atmosphere so they haven't even landed on their moon. Communication is done through four towers. Four kingdoms run by a council. And creatures that even a sweeper frame would find easy to kill.
Ingot: Fuck mate, these wankers sound like a bunch of softies. What do suggest?
Jaune: I suggest land on that broken more and gather more intel, and send out a mini-sat to aid in communication.

Jaune pilots the ship to the moon and sends out a mini satellite to orbit the planet. Once landed on of the shards he opens up a screen already linked to the satellite and begins to gather information.

Jaune: looks like a few months have passed since I left, heh time is a fickle mistress. Council has just pronounced me dead that's good and dust robberies have increased, likely white fang. I do not like to kill people but if they threaten innocent civvies, then I will do the necessary deed. Ingot, how do feel about showing this world how guardians work?
Ingot: I'm right by your side. Also this place is chokkas full of light.
Jaune: Good, I'm gonna bring us down at night over the central landmass. Make the locals think it's just a shooting star. When close to ground jump off and send the foundry back to orbit, don't want Atlas getting their hands on it. Work our way from the forests to Vale. We will then go from there.

As they wait for night to fall over conversations are happening all over.

Team Rwby dorm after the council's message

Ruby: So he is dead. *sniff*
Weiss: Ruby, the dolt was bad news
Yang: He lied to us Rubes, who knows what else he lied to us about?
Blake: *silent*

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