Ramen time!

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The Festival is now in full swing. Around the Vytal Stadium several guardian ships are patrolling the skies. At the Festival grounds Jaune and his group are having a look around.

Cayde: Hey, this looks kinda similar to the Guardian Games.

Jaune: It is, I guess.

Rose: What do you mean you guess?

Jaune: For them they don't die to every other opponent using the same damn gun, and they don't fight for a class rather their kingdom.

Chan'cla: Makes sense. You alright Gerald, you look tired.

Gerald: Yes, just been teaching the new light.

Amber: I'm right here you know! Why do I have to wear this helmet!

Jaune: Seriously?

Amber: Right, forgot about that. It's just my mind is all over the place at the moment. I forgot about my ghost, the other day!

Amber's Ghost, Alfred materializes

Alfred: Madame is just adjusting to this new life of hers.

Amber: Ah! See I keep forgetting about him! Sorry Alfred.

Alfred: It is quite alright Madame.

Jaune: You get used to it.

Ingot: Yeah, this guy here took a few weeks to get used to my colorful language.

Jaune: Shut the fuck up.

Ingot: Am I wrong though mate?

Jaune: Touché


Chan'cla: AHH! My fucking ears!

Skulker: Sorry, I choked on a piece of Glimmer.


Skulker: I was curious.

Chan'cla: Well how did it taste?

Skulker: Like shit.

Chan'cla: Well, at least you learned.

Gerald: Tavish.

Tavish: Aye, lad!

A bottle of Whiskey appears in his hand.

Gerald: Thanks. You're a good Ghost you know that?

Tavish: If I were a bad Ghost we wouldn't be here discussing this would we!?

Gerald: Correct.

Cayde: So, you guys wanna watch the tournament?

Jaune: There's a Ramen stall here, I'm sure they'll have a TV.

Cayde: Yes! Ramen!

Jaune chuckles

The group are now sitting at A Simple Wok. They're watching team RWBY VS ABRN.

Jaune: I actually never realized how flashy huntsmen are in fighting. It's stupid.

Chan'cla: Oh boy here comes the analyzing and tactics talk.

Gerald: I enjoy it. He has a good tactical mind.

Rose: I don't get it.

Cayde: Just listen to him.

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