Crucible and new Fireteam member

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The three guardians have now landed on Remnant's moon and are now descending the ramp carrying supplies.

Chan'cla: Being on a shattered moon feels weird let alone one without nightmares.

Gerald: I'm surprised the planet below has consistent tides

Jaune: Yeah, oh we should have brought Eris morn here.

Chan'cla: Ok, you actually being happy and making jokes is creeping me out.

Gerald: I agree your sudden change in demeanor is weird.

Jaune: I don't know but I have felt better since talking to you guys and the Vanguard about my past.

Suddenly Ingot materializes
Ingot: Yeah, ya been bottlin' up all your emotions so talking to people lightened the load ya daft cunt.

Chan'cla: Ey, Jaune where do you want the transmat pads?

Jaune: You can put them there. Gerald how's comms coming along?

Gerald: Just tuning frequencies and ah ha got a connection! Contacting the commander.

Zavala: Fireteam Remnant you already have communication set up?

Gerald: A Warlock with Four arms makes for quick work.

Jaune: Chan'cla is still setting up Transmat pads and I am setting up the ops room and barracks.

Zavala: Good work you three, I am sending a hunter your way, now if will excuse me I have a Dominus Ghaul stress ball to annihilate.
*Comms shut off*

Jaune: The Red War did a number on the commander, on all of us.

Chan'cla: You fought in it what was it like?

Gerald: I am also curious as we became guardians after Eramis' defeat.

Jaune: We were lightless, vulnerable and in shock. It was so sudden. It was the first time as a guardian I was scared, but I remember what the speaker said to Gary "Devotion inspires bravery, bravery inspires sacrifice, sacrifice leads to death. So... feel free to kill yourself"those words resonated with me because I was devoted to becoming a huntsmen, I was brave enough to go in with false papers, I sacrificed my life to prove I belonged there and had my first death. Anyway are we all set up here?

Chan'cla: Yes pads are set up

Gerald: Comms are up and running.

Tavish: Scrumpy!

Gerald: Not now!

Jaune: Anyway there somethings you need to know that I was able to discuss earlier, while we wait for the hunter to arrive.

Chan'cla: Go ahead

Jaune: Ok first things first the humans of this planet are extremely racist to anyone not human so when we do ops and have to speak with the locals I will be the one they talk to. You are to hide out of sight. I have no doubts of your abilities but if they saw you two it will end up like those old pre-golden age movies. Second if you see a creature that looks like a discount taken kill it that is a Grimm and aim for the eyes.
Third I want your ghosts to hack into the CCT for more information as well as cyber-security.

Gerald: Cyber-security?

Ingot appears
Ingot: Yeah, the system's got no firewalls or antivirus, a book has better protection!

One of the pads light up and a hunter comes out wearing a noticeable hood.

Cayde: I get to leave the Tower woo-hoo!

Jaune: No fucking way

Gerald: Tavish, did you spike my whiskey?

Chan'cla: It's the Space-cowboy!

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