VDZ (Valean Dead Zone)

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It's a normal patrol in mountain Glenn for Jaune, Chan'cla and Gerald. The three were discussing their favorite type of weapon and why.

Chan'cla: All I'm saying is a scout rifle, glaive and Rocket launcher are all I need.

Gerald: Give me a pulse or trace rifle and any sword and I'm good. How about you Jaune?

Jaune: Hmm, auto rifle, pulse, glaive, crown-splitter and a machine gun. Hit 'em hard.

Gerald: Still like swords huh?

Jaune: *sigh* Should've guessed you would dig up my records.

Chan'cla: Oh! Gerald spill the info!

Jaune: Go ahead.

Gerald: Well for starters he wore light armor almost like those Knights from those old stories. He used a sword and shield, family heirlooms.

Chan'cla: Sounds like you were destined to being a Titan from the start.

Jaune: Why is that?

Chan'cla: Sword and shield. Not to mention your whole Knightly appearance going on.

Jaune: Guess you're- shh you hear that?

They remain silent as the sound of an engine is heard.

Chan'cla: Yeah.

Gerald: Sounds like an aircraft.

Jaune: Let me check.

Jaune peaks over a pile of rubble and sees team RWBY and Oobleck depart a Bullhead. He slides back down before anyone spots him.

Jaune: Shit, we got team RWBY and Oobleck here.

Chan'cla: What? Why are they here?

Gerald: Tavish?

Tavish: I'm on it laddy.

Tavish emits a few beeps.

Tavish: Ah shite

Gerald: What?

Tavish: I did a whole Signal check in the area and picked up a few other signals, one signal turned out to be that Clockwork Orange lookin' bastard's phone.

Jaune: Back at the docks he was with the White Fang. They might also be here.

Chan'cla: What do we do now?

Jaune: We trail behind the lot from Beacon. If the past has shown anything it's that they'll always find trouble.

Gerald: If contact occurs between them and us?

Jaune: You two play it off as being Faunus.

Chan'cla: Yeah, let's hope we don't have to.

Jaune: Gerald, how many other guardians do we have on Remnant?

Gerald: Excluding Cayde and Rose, about 7 of each class. Why?

Jaune: Send out a notice. "All guardians be advised something big might be happening in Vale be there and be ready"

Chan'cla: Wait I thought we would only reveal ourselves at the festival?

Jaune: If a lot of civilians are at risk, we protect them first, anything else we can figure out later.

Gerald: Notice sent.

Jaune good. Now we track the troublemakers.

The guardians track the Huntsmen in training for several hour, nearly being spotted by Blake several times. They're now monitoring them from afar while the team is around a fire.

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