A new day

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A few days after the news and reveal of the Vanguard and its allies, not much has really changed on Remnant. Most people thought the Guardians were going to rule over them but they realized that the Guardians were really just really really socially awkward and essentially huntsmen with space powers instead of semblances.

Right now Jaune and the other three were sitting around a table in the Dorm the Fireteam was provided with. Gerald was surrounded by a pile of books, Chan'cla was sleeping due to a caffeine crash, Jaune was reading "The Art of War" and Cayde was also sleeping.

The silence was interrupted by the door opening and Hunter Rose walking in.

Jaune: Hunter.

Cayde: Huh, wha... oh hey. *goes back to sleep*

Chan'cla: *still asleep*

Gerald: Greetings.

Rose: What you lot doing?

Jaune: Relaxing.

Rose: Cool. You know there's a bunch of children outside the door?

Jaune: Cayde?

Cayde: On it. *he throws his hunter's knife at the wall a scream and running away is heard*

Rose: Nice throw.

Jaune: What brings you here?

Rose: Just came to relax.

Jaune: Well you came to the right place.

Rose finds a corner and sits on the floor. She dematerializes her helmet and starts to inspect her hand-cannon "Rose".

Jaune: You have a thing for roses or what?

She looks up her one silver and one milky eye piercing through Jaune before she shrugs.

Rose: I don't know myself, I think they're pretty neat.

Jaune: You know you lok a lot like one of the students here.

Rose: That Ruby kid? Yeah I guess we do.

Jaune: Don't you find it weird how similar you two look?

Rose: Not really. I was first rezzed in the EDZ, so it's unlikely there's any correlation between us.

Jaune: Meh. Fair enough.

The group sit in silence for a few hours until a knock is heard on the door. Jaune goes to open it but it's burst open by an angry Yang. Jaune barely phased by the act just looks at the WWE goldilocks with anger problems.

Jaune: What now?


Jaune: Who?

Yang: You know who.

Jaune: Hunter Rose.

Rose pops out from a floorboard beneath Jaune.

Rose: Yeah?

Jaune: First off. What are you doing in the floorboards and secondly you can deal with her.

Rose: Oh, I was setting up a bedroll. Oh hi Blondie. What do you need me for?

Yang: Can you just come with me for a bit?

Rose: Why not?

She climbs out and leaves the room with Yang while Jaune stares at the floorboards.

Jaune: How did she even get under there without me noticing?

With Rose

Yang has taken Rose to Team RWBY'S dorm. Blake and Weiss were not in the room so now was a good time. They enter and Ruby stares at Rose.

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